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Episode 1
Ghostly Regalia

Suizen gives the party a sword Orochi dropped, but Alk is unable to draw it. The sword, Murakumo, manifests a humanoid form and explains that he can only be drawn by his mortal partner—and needs help finding him!

Suizen: So this is the sword I've been hearing about. If it truly appeared after we fought Orochi, it can't be an ordinary blade.

Suizen: I sense great power from it—power which does not belong here.

Suizen: ...And so, I thought perhaps you'd be willing to take care of him.

Alk: Him? ...I dunno, Suizen, this looks like a REALLY nice sword. Are you sure it's okay for us to use it?

Suizen: It would certainly be one less thing for me to keep track of. Although, I'm not entirely sure whether you'd be able to wield him, Alk.

Suizen: Try drawing the blade.

Nimbus: Heh, Alk's pretty good with a sword. He'll slice up your shikigami, easy.

Alk: Think I can get all four in one swing? ...Here goes nothing!

Alk: Huh? Hang on, it's stuck...

???: Enough, please. Your grip is weak; stance, unbalanced.

Murakumo: You speak to Murakumo—blade and spirit.

Murakumo: I apologize for testing you, child. It would seem you are not the one I seek.

Alk: You were testing me? I-is that why I couldn't get the sword out of the sheathe?

Nimbus: Suizen, this thing's haunted!

Stella: Hello, Murakumo. My name is Stella. It is nice to meet you.

Murakumo: The pleasure is all mine, Stella.

Alk: ...Suizen? Care to explain who this is?

Suizen: He is the katana itself. The ghostly man you see before you is a manifestation of the blade's spirit.

Suizen: He appears to be searching for the man who once wielded him. ...Is that correct?

Murakumo: Yes, although it would perhaps be more apt to say I seek memories of a man—whose name and face elude me.

Murakumo: Even so, I wish to see him again. To feel his warmth against my sheathe, and the wind against my blade.

Suizen: Well, as you can see, he's strong, polite, and I'm sure he'll fit right in!

Suizen: Now then, I must be going.

Nimbus: Hey! Wait! ...Tch, what does that brat think we are? Daycare?

Alk: Hey, Murakumo. Suizen said you were sealed away with Orochi, right?

Alk: That seal was ancient. I hate to say this, but... whoever you knew back then is probably, um...

Murakumo: Long since dead, yes. You need not dance around the topic. I have adorned many a hip, and seen countless stories to their conclusions.

Murakumo: However, life finds a way to carry on. If I cannot find my old partner, then I shall find his descendants—an heir.

Murakumo: I seek someone to inherit me, and carve the next chapter of my legend into history.

Nimbus: So you're looking for the great-great-great-great-grandkids of a guy you can't remember. Sounds rough, but hey, who knows?

Alk: I know how lonely amnesia can make you feel...

Alk: I'll do whatever I can to help, Murakumo!

Murakumo: Oh? Your aid would be most appreciated.

Murakumo: Alk, was it? You are most kind. ...You have my thanks.

Alk: I don't know how much help we'll be, but let us know if you need anything.

Alk: Welcome to Starview Village!

Stella: Alk! That's MY line...

Alk: Huh? Oh... Murakumo, can I take that back for just a second? You go first, Stella.

Murakumo: Haha, go ahead. ...Ah, how I missed the sound of children playing. Age makes you so sentimental.

Episode 2
A New Heir

Suizen finds a lead on Murakumo's last partner, and Alk takes the blade to investigate his grave. Alk's gentle disposition reminds Murakumo of the man who once wielded him—and he appoints Alk his new partner.

Soushiro: Are you ready, Murakumo? Three... two... one!

Soushiro: Haaah!

Light: Oh! I think he's got it!

Soushiro: No luck.

Alk: Aw, I really thought you had it there.

Nimbus: Murakumo's pretty stubborn, huh?

Alk: He critiqued my form when I tried, so I figured an expert like Soushiro might have a chance.

Soushiro: While I see your logic, I am far from an expert, Alk.

Soushiro: I am terribly sorry for yanking at your handle, Murakumo. A blade is a swordsman's closest companion—and should be treated with more respect than that.

Murakumo: No worries, friend. I appreciate you trying.

Murakumo: Given you helped free me from Orochi's seal, I thought perhaps my blade would accept you as an heir.

Light: Hmm... I get the feeling strength or skill alone won't be enough to draw Murakumo. We might really need to find a familial heir.

Alk: We still don't have any leads on who his last partner was though, let alone his descendants...

Murakumo: That is no fault of yours. If only I could remember something—anything—that might give us a clue...

Stella: I may know something that will trigger your memories.

Stella: Suizen has been investigating your history, and found records of a sword that sounds like you, Murakumo.

Murakumo: He did? Please, tell me more.

Alk: *wheeze* F-finally... we made it to the top...

Alk: The view is amazing though. Murakumo, do you mind if I take a quick break and get something to eat?

Murakumo: Please, go ahead. No need to hurry—Ah! The shopkeeper ran away. ...Did I scare him?

Murakumo: *chuckle* You never cease to surprise.

Murakumo: The shopkeeper was dumbstruck. Not every day you see a boy try to feed a sword sweets.

Alk: Huh? ...Oh! I, I didn't think of that. I've seen undead people eat, so I just assumed spirits do too. Now that I think of it though, swords don't eat, huh?

Murakumo: I do not require food, but I can eat if I choose. I appreciate the gesture, Alk.

Murakumo: This feels nostalgic, somehow. I believe I was once wielded by a young man like you.

Murakumo: I can faintly recall sitting with him, eating dango—just like this. ...Yes, he often came to talk, always bringing food to share.

Alk: Really? What was he like? He must've been strong to wield you.

Murakumo: Quite the opposite. He was abysmal with a sword, so I always had to take care of him.

Murakumo: ...Just as he always took care of me.

Alk: This looks like the memorial Suizen mentioned.

Murakumo: Yes, the energy surrounding it feels familiar.

Murakumo: I know the spirit who rests here—he was the last person to wield my blade!

Energetic Kid: This day'll be your last! Ogna beeeeam!

Pouty Kid: Hey! No fair! It's MY turn to be Lord Ogna!

Murakumo: Pardon me, little ones. I presume you live nearby.

Murakumo: Can you take me to your village's strongest warrior? I would like to speak with them.

Pouty Kid: Warrior? You mean like a samurai? We haven't got none 'a those 'round here.

Murakumo: None? But what of this memorial? Do you know of this man's family?

Energetic Kid: Uhhh... Don't think he had none, Mister. All I know's he was a super cool samurai, but died foreeeever ago. It's just us farm-folk in these parts now.

Energetic Kid: EEP?! Wh-what are those?! Monsters?!

Alk: Where'd they come from?! Murakumo, watch the kids! I'll handle the monsters!

Murakumo: I can deal with the monsters. ...Draw my blade.

Alk: Huh?

Alk: Murakumo?!

Murakumo: If there are no next of kin to inherit me, I shall appoint a new partner myself—you, Alk!

Murakumo: I entrust you with the power to stand above all others! Use it wisely!

Alk: Use it yourself!

Murakumo: What are you doing?! My blade has ended wars—toppled empires! You would throw it aside?!

Alk: I don't want to "use" you. I'd rather you fought with me than for me!

Alk: Besides, I don't know how to wield a curved blade anyways. Your sword is better off with you!

Murakumo: Ahaha, how am I to counter that? ...Very well, I will keep my blade—and entrust you my back.

Alk: Perfect! I'll take the ones on this side. You better work up an appetite, cause I'm getting more of those dango for the walk home!

Murakumo: You really do remind me of him...

Murakumo: Whether you wield me yourself or not, I will not retract my words. Let us fight—as partners!

Episode 3
Partners in Crime-Busting

Soushiro sells Murakumo to a shifty merchant, who reveals a dark plot in front of the "inanimate" undercover agent. Murakumo lifts a curse possessing the merchant and turns him over to Suizen for justice.

Soushiro: Well? I imagine a sword of this quality should fetch a pretty penny.

Soushiro: How much would you pay for it?

Merchant: Hmm, I don't want to disappoint you, but this looks fairly old...

Soushiro: An antique. It has history, and the blade is sharp as ever I have seen.

Merchant: It's in decent-ISH condition—for a collector's item—but no one would buy it for battle when there are cheaper modern options. *scribble* This is as high as I can go, sir.

Soushiro: I see... I will try my luck elsewhere then. Thank you for your time.

Merchant: W-wait! You drive a hard bargain, sir. I can go a bit higher.

Merchant: I'll pay twice—no, THRICE the estimate I just gave you!

Soushiro: Thrice? Yes, that should be enough to keep the study hall running for a while yet. You have a deal.

Merchant: Haha... Ahaha... BWAHAHAHAAA!

Merchant: That idiot calls himself a samurai? Hah! This's gotta be worth tens— HUNDREDS of times what I paid!

Merchant: And now... now it's mine! Gwehaha, this is no ordinary blade, all right.

Merchant: I'll strip its power—like all the other demon blades I've collected... Then, finally, I will destroy the shogunate and conquer this land for myself!

Murakumo: I am afraid I cannot lend my power to such a cause.

Murakumo: I am Murakumo—blade and spirit.

Merchant: Murakumo? Wh-who? Where did you come from?!

Murakumo: I was here the entire time, and heard everything. You are possessed by evil forces, and—

Murakumo: I cannot allow the greed consuming you to spread!

Murakumo: ...Forgive me. Rest easy now.

Alk: Murakumo!

Soushiro: Excellent work, friend.

Murakumo: You did well yourself. That was some superb acting.

Soushiro: I hardly have to act to look strapped for coin.

Murakumo: Ah, Alk! The mission was successful.

Alk: Is that guy gonna be okay?

Murakumo: Yes, he should be safe now. I cut not his physical form—but the dark greed possessing him.

Merchant: I... *sniffle* I jusht wanded to b-b- bring *hic* bring her back...

Merchant: *hic*

Murakumo: If only I could do more. He will have to overcome his grief himself.

Suizen: You did more than enough already. His memories, at least, belong to him— for good or ill.

Suizen: Thank you all for your cooperation. This case has given the Commission a great deal of trouble.

Suizen: The shogunate will no doubt be pleased to hear it's been resolved. Pleased enough to do the Commission a few favors, I hope.

Murakumo: I only ask you treat this man with compassion. The curse plaguing him is gone—he will do no more harm.

Suizen: Of course. The magistrates won't be happy, but I can deal with them.

Murakumo: One last thing. Why did you send me to Starview?

Murakumo: Surely a diviner as capable as yourself could tell what I am.

Murakumo: You could have curried the shogunate's favor if you had presented me to them instead. So why?

Suizen: I'll admit I considered giving you to them, but I'm better than that now.

Suizen: There's always another way—a way without sacrificing anyone. The two behind you helped teach me that.

Murakumo: Ah, I see... Noble, indeed. I am proud to call you my partner, Alk!

Alk: Nuh-uh, I hardly did anything when Orochi attacked!

Murakumo: And always so humble! I am deeply grateful to have a place at your side.

Murakumo: I worry for your diviner friend, though.

Murakumo: He has the makings of a great leader— or terrible tyrant.

Murakumo: It would have been interesting to adorn his hip, and see what name he carved into history for himself.

Soushiro: Suizen has enough power of his own already.

Murakumo: Yes, I can tell. He has something much greater than a blade.

Murakumo: Friends. ...I wonder if I too may be counted among them. Ahahaha!