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The Spirit Katana's Resident Spirit
Fullshot 1

Murakumo fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Murakumo fullshot 1.png

The spirit of an ancient blade swallowed by Orochi. After escaping the serpent's belly, he slowly pieces together fragmented memories of the person who last wielded him.
Max HP 2981
Max Attack 1065
Power 0x
Hit 0
Rarity 5★
Element Wind Wind
Class Warrior Warrior
Race Sprite/Undead
Gender Male
VA Hiroshi Watanabe
  • Drops on Orochi Co-op (Adv. and higher)
  • Orochi Co-op Boss Shop Gold Orochi Denarius
Release Date Sept. 8, 2021 21:00
Leader Talent
When battle begins, wind characters' skill gauge +50% & ATK +100%
Stance of the Azure Sky and Changeable Moon
Skill Gauge: 510
With the power of a secret sword technique, grant self ATK buff (+250%/15s) and break/down punisher buff (+50%/15s)
1 When battle begins, gain ATK buff (+75%/30s)
2 Own ease of downing enemies +600%
3 [Main] When entering fever, grant allies float buff (15s)
4 If self is a wind character, own ease of downing enemies +100%
5 When own skill activates, fever gauge +25
6 While float buff is active, wind characters' direct attack damage +30%

Wording for skills and abilities copied from
Stats copied from