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"I am Murakumo, a sword forged in Yamato long, long ago. Though I long to once more adorn my old partner's hip, I recall neither his name nor face..."

"I, Murakumo, appoint you my new partner. I give you my blade and full support. ...If you are willing to keep an old man like me company."

"Ah, my physical forms confuse you? Both represent me, yet neither fully encompass me. You are welcome to address my blade or spirit as you please."

"Monster hunting? I will lend you my aid, but please go easy on me. I tire far faster than young folk such as yourselves."

"My blade looks brand new? That is very kind, but I am older than you can imagine. Ahaha!"

"You have my deepest gratitude, Alk. Spending time with you brings back memories of my old partner."

"That was quite a yawn, Alk! The two of us truly think alike. Ahaha! *yawn*"