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Episode 1
Navy Girl

After being saved by their captain, the young soldier Fluffy finds herself in Palpebra. After Alk and Light give her some food, she secretly follows them and sneaks into Starview Village- only to be discovered by Nimbus. After telling her story, the gang invites her to stay in Starview. She accepts, names Alk her new captain, and eagerly awaits his orders.

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: Hostile eliminated. Moving on to next target.

Naval Officer: Watch out!

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: Captain?!

Naval Officer: You must... survive...

???: C-Cap... tain...

Light: What's the matter, Alk?

Alk: That voice... is someone there?

Alk: I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you... Are you feeling all right?

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: I-I...

Alk: Whoa! What was that?! That was incredible!

Alk: Hey, you okay?

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: I-I'm perfectly fine! I'm just a little dizzy, so-

Stomach: *gurgle*

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: I-Ignore that! You didn't hear anything!

Alk: Um, are you hungry? I've got some leftover sandwiches, if you'd like.

Alk: Well, looks like someone was hungry...

Light: Beastfolk... And with attire like that... Are you perhaps a drifter from another world? Where did you come from?

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: That's classified information... I will not divulge military secrets...

Alk: Oh, so you're in the military?

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: Th-that's also classified information!

Alk: She's gone... Maybe I asked a few too many questions...

Nimbus: Ugh... I'm starving... Pretty sure Alk put some snacks in the fridge-

Nimbus: What the...

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: ...Threat neutralized.

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: This is not ideal. I should secure an escape rout-

Nimbus: That hurt... You're not half bad, getting the jump on me like that. Almost had me pushing up daisies there.

Nimbus: Now it's time for some payback!

Light: Wh-what is going on here?!

Nimbus: An intruder! She ambushed me from behind!

Alk: Huh? Wait, you're from earlier today!

Rabbit-Eared Soldier: Ah... Ah!

Alk: Um... Think you could full us in on your situation here?

Light: I'm sure you have your reasons... But we cannot overlook the fact that you broke into out home.

Fluffy: I am Corporal Fluffy, a member of the Gaean Royal Navy's special forces...

Light: So you ARE from the Gaean Navy. I thought as much.

Fluffy: You did? How?

Alk: Let's just say we've run into them a few times... But that story can wait. How'd you end up in Palpebra?

Fluffy: I... don't know. I fell into the ocean while on a mission...

Fluffy: And when I came to, I was in a strange, unfamiliar labyrinth...

Fluffy: I succeeded in finding my way out, but I lost both my gear and provisions...

Alk: So that's why you looked so hungry...

Fluffy: I-I'm very sorry!

Fluffy: I... Not only did I follow you two back here, but then... I even snuck into your home... I didn't mean to repay your kindness with such-

Light: I think we've heard enough.

Light: Fret not. We have a way to send you back to your home.

Light: We could even drop you off on the Float you're most familiar wi-

Fluffy: N-no!

Fluffy: I no longer have a home there!

Light: What do you mean? It isn't as if the Gaean Navy was disbanded. I'm sure they'll take you back.

Fluffy: That's... not what I meant...

Fluffy: My captain can no longer give me orders... So...

Nimbus: I don't see a problem. If she wants to stay, she can stay.

Nimbus: Besides, this girl can handle herself- If our fight had dragged out any longer, I would've been in real trouble.

Alk: I'm with Nimbus. That's fine with you too, right Stella?

Stella: Of course. Welcome to Starview Village, Fluffy.

Light: ...I see. Sometimes it's hard to return home even if you know where that home is...

Alk: Well, we're happy to have you on board, Fluffy.

Fluffy: Thank you, Captain!

Alk: Huh? Captain?

Fluffy: Ah, I-I apologize... Just a habit from my military days...

Nimbus: Looks like you got yourself a subordinate. Better take good care of her, "Captain Alk."

Alk: Oh, come on! I'm not even in the military.

Fluffy: Awaiting orders, Captain Alk, sir!

Episode 2
What's for Dinner?

Fluffy asks to be punished after she fails to protect Alk during a fight. Learning that Fluffy's captain taught her she was a tool used to carry out her superior's orders, Alk tells her to start making her own decisions. A very flustered Fluffy is then asked to start deciding that night's dinner, and the gang heads out to buy ingredients.

Fluffy: Multiple threats spotted! Captain. what are your orders?

Alk: We can handle this many enemies no problem! Let's go!

Fluffy: Yes, sir!

Fluffy: Captain, watch out!

Nimbus: Quit messing around and snap out of it already...

Alk: S-sorry!

Alk: Is something wrong, Fluffy?

Fluffy: N-no! Well...

Fluffy: Captain Alk, I believe my mistake today requires further action.

Alk: Huh? Like what?

Fluffy: I would like you to discipline me. Please hit me as hard as you can.

Alk: ...Come again?

Fluffy: I failed to protect you back there!

Fluffy: And the events that followed held back our squadron as a whole...

Fluffy: I intend to take responsibility! So please, discipline me in any way you see fit!

Alk: What? No, I'm not gonna do that! It wasn't even really a mistake! We were just a little out of sync, that's all!

Alk: And what kind of captain would punish someone like that?

Fluffy: So... you will not discipline me?

Alk: Of course not! I would never!

Fluffy: B-but I was unable to be your shield...

Nimbus: Save it, kid.

Nimbus: That ain't your duty, and Alk doesn't need protecting... Calm down.

Fluffy: Captain?!

Naval Officer: You must... survive...

Stella: Why do you call Alk Captain?

Fluffy: Huh?! I-I... Well...

Fluffy: He just... reminds me of the captain of my naval unit.

Alk: Really? What kind of person was he?

Fluffy: He would often discipline me.

Alk: Huh?!

Fluffy: Ah, d-don't misunderstand! Oh, how do I put this?

Fluffy: The captain... He took in orphans like me and raised us to be soldiers.

Fluffy: He taught us that we were tools to be used...

Stella: That doesn't sound like Alk at all.

Fluffy: I-I suppose you're right. Now that I think about it, they're completely different...

Fluffy: But my captain... would also make meals for us often.

Fluffy: I suppose that's what reminded me of him...

Fluffy: I am just a tool to be used for my superior's plans. That is why I need orders. I promise I will not fail next time!

Alk: Orders...

Stella: You are not a tool.

Alk: That's right... Starview isn't a military camp, and the people here aren't soldiers or tools or whatever else.

Alk: That's why I'm not going to give you any orders. I want you to decide for yourself what you want to do.

Fluffy: Decide for myself...

Fluffy: Yes, sir. If you insist, then from now on, I will make my own decisions.

Light: Surely you realized that this too is following orders...

Fluffy: Eep!

Alk: Why don't we start with something small? Like...

Alk: Deciding what's for dinner tonight.

Fluffy: B-but, um... you've already brought the ingredients for tonight's dinner...

Alk: We can just use these tomorrow- feel free to pick whatever you want.

Stella: Fluffy, I like both seafood and meat dishes.

Light: And I am in the mood for something spicy.

Fluffy: Wh-what? Th-then what should I pick?

Alk: Calm down. There are no wrong answers here.

Alk: How about we take a look at the shops in the area first? That might give you some inspiration.

Fluffy: O-okay.

Episode 3
Feelings Conveyed

Fluffy returns to the Endless Blue with Alk and the others, only to be invited to join a new naval unit by an old colleague. She vents her feelings to Stella, not knowing what to do, but a few words from Alk clear her mind. Fluffy tearfully exclaims that she wants to stay with Alk and the others, and vows to protect her friends. This time, it is her own decision.

Alk: It's been a while since you've been here, right? ...Do you need a moment?

Fluffy: N-no, I'm fine!

Light: I wonder what the Gaean Navy thinks happened to you.

Fluffy: Well... More than likely, they think I died in the line of duty...

Nimbus: Then there's no reason to sneak around, is there?

Alk: Yeah. If anything, we're the ones likely to attract unwanted attention- we're pretty well-known in these parts...

Fluffy: A-are you really?

Fluffy: Watch out, Captain!

Al: What the- What just happened?!

Fluffy: What were you about to do to Captain Alk? Answer me!

Burly Man: Ow, ow, ow! Corporal Fluffy! It's me! Stand down!

Fluffy: W-wait... Sergeant?!

Light: So that man is her sergeant... For a moment I thought it might be her captain.

Nimbus: It sounds like they were in the same unit... But it doesn't exactly sound like a joyful reunion.

Alk: So... What did you two talk about?

Fluffy: Um... He said they're forming a new unit, and he wants me to be a part of it.

Fluffy: He doesn't need an answer right away. I can take my time.

Nimbus: ...So, what's the plan?

Fluffy: Captain Alk... What should I do?

Alk: I'm sorry, Fluffy. I can't make this decision for you.

Fluffy: Ah...

Fluffy: ...You're right. I'll... give it some thought...

Stella: Fluffy?

Stella: Do you not want to go back?

Fluffy: I don't know...

Fluffy: My head's been spinning ever since talking to the sergeant... I know it's my choice, but I just don't know what to do!

Fluffy: My unit's job was to infiltrate and neutralize enemy ships.

Fluffy: All my teammates were people brought together by our captain...

Fluffy: He taught me so many things, like survival skills, fighting techniques, and the mindset of a soldier...

Fluffy: And he always drilled it into us that we were all tools.

Fluffy: Despite that... When I was in trouble, he...

Fluffy: I don't have any more connections to this world or the Navy... Not anymore.

Fluffy: ...But there's still one thing I want to know,

Fluffy: Why did he... protect a tool like me?

Stella: I don't think even he would know the answer to that question.

Fluffy: Huh?

Stella: But you still want to know.

Stella: Why is that?

Alk: Ah, there you two are.

Fluffy: Captain Alk...

Nimbus: Turns out your captain here has something to say.

Alk: I mean, it's nothing life-changing...

Alk: And I certainly don't plan on taking back what I said about making your own decision...

Alk: But I just want you to know that I'd miss you if you left. So I personally would like to see you stay with us.

Fluffy: You'd... miss me?

Alk: That's not an order or anything. It's not even a request. I just wanted to let you know.

Alk: I'm sorry for not saying something earlier. You never know how another person feels if they don't tell you, right?

Fluffy: ...That's right. there's a lot of things I don't know- and may never find out...

Fluffy: But I know this feeling...

Fluffy: I... I miss him... I miss the man who made all those meals for me...

Fluffy: Th-that's why... I... I...

Fluffy: I want to stay... with you all!

Alk: Okay, in that case, we'll stick together.

Stella: Once again, welcome to Starview Village, Fluffy.

Fluffy: ...Thank you!

Alk: Thanks, Fluffy!

Fluffy: No problem! Leave it to me!

Fluffy: I'll protect you and everyone else... by my own choice!