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Silent Subjugator
Fullshot 1

Fluffy fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Fluffy fullshot 1.png

A beastfolk girl who once belonged to a special forces unit in the Gaean Royal Navy. While a genius at close combat, she's only ever known life as a soldier, so many of her days are filled with confusion.
Max HP 3257
Max Attack 1021
Power 30x
Hit 11
Rarity 5★
Element Wind Wind
Class Bruiser Bruiser
Race Human/Beast
Gender Female
VA Sora Tokui
Release Date September 29, 2022
Leader Talent
Resolute Martial Artist
When battle begins, wind characters' skill gauge +40% & skill damage +140%
Nightmare Combo
Skill Gauge: 540
Rushes towards the nearest enemy to deal precise wind damage (30x) combos to enemies hit / Grant self ATK buff (+50%/15s)
1 If self is a wind character, own skill damage +90%
2 Own break/down punisher +25%
3 [Main] Every dash, grant self stackable ATK buff (+12.5%/6s/MAX: +50%) / While combo count is at or above 50, own skill damage +120%
4 If self is a wind character, while combo count is at or above 10, own ATK +35%
5 If self is a wind character, while combo count is at or above 10, own skill damage +60%
6 If self is a wind character, while combo count is at or above 10, own skill damage +60%

Wording for skills and abilities copied from https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/gl/
Stats copied from https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/