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"I am Fluffy, member of the Gaean Royal Navy. Umm... All I can do is kick and punch, but... I hope to be of service!"

"I had no idea growing stronger could be so much fun... Now I can protect my friends even better. Leave it to me!"

"The people here are so strange. They're all so powerful and strong-willed... I wonder if I'll ever be like that..."

"Urgh... Everyone laughed when I told them I like to curl up into a ball when sleeping... It's just so relaxing."

"I need orders... Without them, I... I don't know what to do..."

"Sunbathing feels so nice. Maybe it's because I'm beastfolk, but I just love feeling the warm sun on my body... *yawn*"

"I prefer tough enemies to softer ones. Those jiggly slimes send a chill down my spine... Ah, but I'll attack if ordered to!"

"Thinking and deciding for yourself... is a lot harder than I thought. But I have to. I'm not a tool, after all—I need to have a will of my own."