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"Name's Teurgis! If you want the strongest, the fastest, and the best of the best, look no further!"

"Hehe, VR's great and all, but it's got nothing on having true pals! You and me, we're gonna go far!"

"Live every day like it's your last! Go all out, and things will work out!"

"Leave everything to me! You're in good hands!"

"These guys are mostly Organics, right? So why can they shoot fire from their hands and stuff?"

"The air here is so clean! And you're breathing it for free?! I bet I could sell cans of this stuff back home!"

"If you need a guide for Qualia City, I'm your guy! I know all the best spots."

"Alk, you're into motorbikes too, yeah? You should buy your own so we can ride together next time!"