Story Quests/World 5: Mecha Metropolis/Canary of Steel

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Canary of Steel

After beating off the over-zealous mecha-janitors, Alk and co. meet the android singer Diva Media, better know as Dia. With the city out hunting for intruders, Dia offers to shelter the companions back at her house.

Nimbus: Heh. I eat junk metal like that for breakfast.

Light: Wait. There's one more!

Blue-Eyed Droid: Um, hi! Or, uh... "sumimasen"? "Buenos dias"? "Ni hao"? Can you understand me?

Light: A girl made of metal...

Stella: Yes. Your language is comprehensible to us.

Blue-Eyed Droid: Ugh, thank goodness. 'Cause I was worri- ...Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Huh? NO WAY!

Blue-Eyed Droid: Carbon lifeforms?! 100% organic?! I can't believe it! Humans! Real, live humans!

Blue-Eyed Droid: Oh my gooosh... Your cheeks, they're so soft. It's like smooshing memory foam...

Stella: Pweafe wet go...

Nimbus: Hey, metal mask! Claws to yourself, okay?!

Blue-Eyed Droid: *gasp* A FURBALL. I'm gonna name you Fwed and hug you and squeeze you!

Nimbus: That's enough, magnet fingers. Tell us who you are.

Blue-Eyed Droid: Oh, sure- Wait, no! YOU'RE the intruders. YOU tell me who YOU are.

Stella: Hell. I am Stella.

Alk: And I'm Alk. The big furball is Nimbus, and the little furball is Light.

Nimbus: Who're you calling furball?

Blue-Eyed Droid: Oh. That went... smoother than I was expecting.

Dia: I'm Dia! Or, I guess if you want to go by my production certificate, it's Diva Media... but everyone just calls me Dia.

Dia: I'm your resident golden canary! I... uh, sing. You know...

Dia: When Diva Media's on the air, all your electrons stop and stare!

Dia: ...Thiiis is awkward.

Alk: Oh. I get it. You're a pop star!

Dia: Yeah! Kind of.

Dia: Phew. I'm glad you figured it out. I was starting to overheat...

Stella: A metal canary?

Dia: Yeah. I'm a droid. An android, to be exact.

Stella: An android... This civilization is even more advanced than I had previously supposed.

Dia: That pillar of light was you guys, right? Did you get beamed down by a UFO or something?

Dia: We've spent so long searching for planets with organic lifeforms, and never found so much as a stinking cell.

Alk: Oh. Yeah, we're from a whole different-

Dia: Oh on... I don't think the Administrator's very happy.

Dia: Come over to my place! You'll get caught, wandering around the city.

Dia: Besides, I still have a heap of questions to ask you.

Alk: I think we can trust her.

Stella: I second that.

Light: It's settled then. Lead the way, Dia.

Dia: O-okay!

Dia: There's a bunch of bugs up ahead. Stay alert!