Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/The Chief's Plot

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The Chief's Plot

The catfolk chief is all too excited by news of the dogfolk coup's success- calling it a chance for the catfolk to strike! The only way to save the treaty is prove Whitetail's identity.

Chief: What of the king then?

Albert: Rest assure, he'll not disturb our negotiations. My fellow guards are seeing to that.

Albert: I have been given full regency over the peace talks.

Chief: I see. Excellent work, Claudius m'boy.

Claw: Now, Grandpa! It was all thanks to Al and my friends here. Now, if you could just sign-

Chief: The king is subdued- now is our chance to finally overthrow the dogfolk!

Claw: Wait... WHAT?!

Chief: Restrain the wolf. Keep him alive- he'll make a good hostage.

Albert: You can't be serious! Do you understand what you're saying?!

Claw: Yeah, Grampa! What do you think you're doing?! Let Al go!

Chief: That pompous old king was stripped of power by his own guards! Timber wolf Albert Fang is in our grasp!

Chief: The mutts are leaderless! What better chance could there be to strike?! They won't know what hit 'em!

Nimbus: You're outta your damn mind!

Nimbus: You wanna end the war? Then sign the goddam treaty and be done with it the easy way! Don't make this harder than it needs to be!

Claw: H-he's right, Grampa! Look, Whitetail's back! He knows what's best for us, right? Leaderless or not, we wouldn't stand a chance agai-

Chief: SILENCE! You are an EMBARRASSMENT, Claudius. I knew I should have been stricter with you.

Claw: B-but... Grampa...

Chief: Do you take me for a fool? This isn't King Whitetail! This imposter of yours isn't nearly old enough!

Stella: If we can prove Nimbus is King Whitetail's son, will you listen to him?

Chief: ...The prince? The REAL prince, may he rest in peace, would want VENGEANCE! Retribution for the dogfolk's heinous crimes!

Chief: I'll never forget... The king escaped with his infant son to the graveyard, but the dogs, they- they trapped them. Burned everything!

Nimbus: Burned... everything?

Chief: Those heartless, mangy mutts! Even sweet little Selenius... An innocent babe! I'll never forget the screams...

Chief: If you truly ARE Prince Selenius Whitetail, then you have to avenge your father!

Nimbus: I don't HAVE to do anything.

Nimbus: I'll prove I'm the prince, and then you'll shut up and cooperate!

Nimbus: Claw! Take me to that graveyard!

Claw: Now?! I-I mean, I know where it is, but...

Chief: Stop! I'm not authorizing-

Nimbus: I don't care! Look, old fart, I'm goin' whether you like it or not. C'mon, Claw!

Nimbus: You just wait. And if you touch a single hair on Albert's head, you'll have ME to answer to. Got it?!

Chief: What are you... Wait!

Alk: Claw, let's go!

Claw: *gulp* A-all right. I'll take you! Sorry, Grampa!

Chief: Prince Selenius is DEAD! ...And I will avenge him.