Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Prince of Peace

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Prince of Peace

Claw explains that peace talks twenty years ago went awry when canid radicals assassinated King Whitetail and his infant son. Nimbus, pretending to be the lost prince, is to resume his "Father's" negotiations.

Light: Claw, why are your people at war?

Claw: It started off small, man. Petty arguments over who owned what land. But then it escalated into fights, battles, and finally, war.

Alk: What about Whitetail? Who's the guy everyone's mistaking Nimbus for?

Claw: The late king of the catfolk, Godking Whitetail. Legends say his bloodline's blessed with divine power- the brains and brawn to rule.

Alk: The late king? What happened to him?

Claw: He was assassinated.

Claw: About twenty years ago, the cat and dogfolk called a truce. The war should've ended there, but...

Claw: Before they could sign the treaty, some of the more radical dogfolk revolted. King Whitetail and the crown prince- his sole heir- were never seen again.

Alk: Oh... That's awful...

Nimbus: ...

Alk: So now that Nimbus is here, people think the king miraculously survived? Or that he's the long lost prince?

Nimbus: What a load of crap.

Nimbus: Do I LOOK like a prince? A godking? Sure wasn't treated like royalty in the desert.

Claw: Details, details. Long as people THINK you're royalty, we're in business!

Nimbus: What's that supposed to mean?

Claw: It MEANS your "father's" treaty is back on the menu! Just imagine! Prince Whitetail returns to claim his birthright and restore peace!

Claw: Not a bad story, right? It'd make history, for sure!

Nimbus: It sounds like something you'd read to a baby. You really think the dogfolk are gonna drop their weapons for some fairytale prince?

Claw: Plenty would, dude! A lot of dogfolk are just as sick of war as we are. They'd jump at the chance to pull all the fighting behind us!

Claw: My friend- the guy I'm taking you to meet sure would!

Nimbus: Your friend, huh? I dunno if I can handle TWO Claws.