Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Out of the Ashes

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Out of the Ashes

Claw leads the way to a charred graveyard, stopping by the ruins of what once was a holy sanctum. As Nimbus approaches, perplexed by a sense of familiarity, a door into the sanctum opens.

Claw: ...I can't believe him! I can't BELIEVE him! We were SO close!

Nimbus: I'm surprised you didn't see that coming.

Claw: I already convinced most of the catfolk! We don't stand a chance against the dogfolk, and a truce benefits us WAY more than them!

Claw: What're we gonna do? What CAN we do? Stage another coup?

Light: No. Would you spill the blood of your kinsmen? You're better than that, Claw.

Claw: You're right, but... but what other options do we have?

Stella: What about proving Nimbus is the prince?

Claw: ...

Nimbus: What's there to prove? He never believed that for a second.

Claw: YOU don't believe it either! ...Do you?

Nimbus: Doesn't matter, long as I can play the part, right? You said it yourself.

Nimbus: I let you drag me all over the canyon, so humor me. We're goin' to that graveyard.

Claw: It's just ahead- what's left of it, anyways.

Alk: Oh... Oh no...

Claw: When Grampa said the dogfolk burned EVRYTHING, he meant it. I heard that pillar used to be part of a beautiful sanctum.

Nimbus: ...I know this smell. I remember it.

Claw: Y-you're kidding.

Alk: Wait, does this mean Nimbus really IS the prince?

Claw: I-I don't know... I mean, that'd be CRAZY. M-maybe the door just opened on it's own.

Nimbus: ...Reeks of monsters.

Light: I sense them as well.

Nimbus: Looks like we're on clean-up duty!