Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/New Management

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New Management

Anger subdued, Whitetail leaves Nimbus a ring that unlocks the World Flipper, proving his identity. The catfolk replace their chief with Claw, who sees off the party as they depart for the next world.

Whitetail's Ghost: NGH... GRRR! GRAAAARGH!

Whitetail's Ghost: SE...LEN...IUS... SELENIUUUS!

Nimbus: I'm not "Selenius."

Nimbus: Name's Nimbus. Just Nimbus.

Whitetail's Ghost: SELEN... IUS... R-run...

Nimbus: A ring?

Nimbus: "Stars shall sing... for ye who hold this ring..."

Alk: This light's... familiar...

Claw: Wait for me!

Alk: I knew it! That glow was from the World Flipper!

Claw: Whoa... This thing's CRAZY! No wonder you guys are known as Godkings!

Nimbus: It's pretty damn good proof of who I am.

Claw: Yeah. So... mind helping a bro out, one last time?

Nimbus: Sure. Just tell me what you need me to do!

Claw: Same as last time. Shut up, look pretty, and leave all the talking to me!

Nimbus: Hah. Watch it, smartass. You're talkin' to a prince.

Claw: YOU watch it, or I'll start using biiig fancy court words.

Claw: ...The Godking Selenius Whitetail wishes for peace. Chief, will you sign the treaty?

Chief: A ring is no proof of royalty. You must've scavenged it from the graveyard.

Claw: Even after all this, you still won't cooperate... Fine. You leave me no choice.

Claw: You are now dismissed from your role as chief of the catoflk.

Chief: Dismissed?!

Claw: Even have it in writing! The one on the left's your notice of dismissal, and the one on the right's proof of MY appointment!

Claw: All the clans have signed them! The bombays, angoras, tabbies, calicos, panthers, and event eh tigers!

Chief: Is this your idea of a joke?!

Chief: What of the pain we endured?! The indignities?!

Claw: Those are YOUR grudges, not ours! We shouldn't have to fight a war for them!

Claw: Please, Grampa. Please. I don't know what else to tell you.

Nimbus: No one wants to fight but you.

Nimbus: You carried this village through some rough times, but it's over now. You've done enough.

Nimbus: It's about time you got some rest. Right... "Gramp-gramp"?

Chief: ...Se-Selenius?

Claw: Everything'll be fine, Grampa! Just kick back, relaaax, and leave the rest to me!

Stella: Initializing synchronization.

Alk: What was that, Light? You glowed for a second there.

Light: It was faint, but I felt some of my old power.

Alk: You and Stella's starchart HAVE to share some kind of connection then. So... did you find Light's world, Stella?

Stella: No. Light's world is not in this region.

Alk: *sigh* Well, guess that would've been TOO easy...

Nimbus: Hey, there's no rush. This is what we want anyways, right? Fill in the starchart, get Light up and running again.

Claw: Yeah! Slow and steady wins the race!

Nimbus: Claw, Albert... What are you two doing here?

Claw: Just swinging by to see you off. Man, I can't BELIEVE you were telling the truth about there being other worlds and stuff. That was AWESOME!

Albert: I trust you weren't thinking of slipping off before we got a chance to thank you properly.

Alk: Nimbus rushed us over. You know how bashful he gets.

Nimbus: Can it. I thought we should hurry, that's all.

Claw: Bro... You're not gonna stay in the canyon?

Nimbus: Nah. I'm not cut out to be a king.

Nimbus: Sides, I'd just get in your way. Right, "Chief"?

Claw: That's true!

Albert: Regardless of where your journey takes you, we'll never forget the great service you've done these lands.

Albert: You have our deepest gratitude, and I vow we shall one day repay the debt in kind!

Claw: Yeah! I'm really glad I got to meet you, bro!

Claw: And I'm not just buttering you up. I mean it!

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah, suuure.

Nimbus: It's gonna be weird havin' some peace and quiet again.

Light: That is no way to talk to friends.

Light: ...There is no debt between us. Without your aid, we would never have found the World Flipper... and Nimbus would not have learned who he truly is.

Stella: Thank you for taking care of us.

Alk: I hope the truce goes well. We're all rooting for you!

Nimbus: Heh. I'm sure everything'll be fine with them in charge.

Nimbus: See ya! And... thanks!

Claw: Right back at you, bro.

Nimbus: Let's go- to the next world!