Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Into the Canyon

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Into the Canyon

After their underwater adventure, the party arrives in a dry canyon. Nimbus smells beasts in the area- or his stinky armpits? One of the two.

Alk: Whoa... It's so... open here! I can see the horizon!

Stella: Analyzing our surroundings... This world appears semi-arid, but the climate does not pose us significant risk.

Light: Dry, but likely more hospitable than the desert.

Alk: Well, that's a step in the right direction. Hope we find your world soon, Light.

Light: As do I. But first, we must learn all that we can from this world.

Light: Returning home will not be the end of my journey. I need more strength and knowledge, if I am to face the trials that await me.

Alk: Nimbus? You're awfully quiet.

Nimbus: Beasts... Not far from us, either. I can smell 'em...

Alk: You sure? I didn't want to be the one to say this, but... When's the last time you had a bath?

Light: A proper warrior maintains proper hygiene- just as blades must be cleaned and honed, so too must bodies.

Nimbus: All right, all right, sheesh! I'm serious, though. I smell beasts, and I smell a LOT of 'em.

Light: A pack of monsters, perhaps. We are new to this world- and its inhabitants. Be on your guard.

Nimbus: Hah, if they know what's good for 'em, they'll leave us alone. Let's get going.

Nimbus: Anyone who gets in MY way is gonna regret it!