Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Help a Dude Out?

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Help a Dude Out?

Canid cavalry subdued, Claw asks Nimbus to help put an end to the beastfolk's war, under the guise of his look-alike, Whitetail.

Canid Cavalry: Bloody cats... Don't have the guts to deal the final blow, coward? DO IT!

Nimbus: Get outta here.

Canid Cavalry: What?

Nimbus: I said get your ass outta here!

Claw: You're letting him go? ...He might come back, y'know?

Nimbus: That's your problem. C'mon, guys.

Claw: W-wait! I have a favor to ask you!

Nimbus: Look, you're at WAR, aren't you?

Nimbus: I don't care what you're plotting, but leave us out of it! Back me up, Light!

Light: Nimbus has a point. We cannot involve ourselves in-

Claw: Please, we're trying to bring peace! And we could really use YOUR help!

Nimbus: My help? To bring peace?

Claw: Yeah! With King Whitetail -or a white-tailed tiger who LOOKS like him- we might have a chance!

Claw: Please, Nimbus! You guys mentioned you're looking for old ruins, right? I've got a bit of say around here- I'll help get you access!

Claw: Please! Please, man, I'm begging you!

Light: Hmm. Let's hear him out, if nothing else.

Nimbus: What? You think we can trust this guy?

Claw: Yo, dude. Do I seem like a villain to you?

Stella: I'm not sure.

Alk: To be honest, you do sound kinda fishy. Like you're just buttering Nimbus up to get what you want.

Claw: Come on, man! I would NEVER!

Light: Suspicious or not, it may be worth aiding him- if only to avoid searching blindly for ruins in war-torn lands. Especially if we can bring peace in the process.

Nimbus: Hmph. Do what you want. Just leave me out of it.

Claw: Awesome! Hey, why don't we head somewhere quieter? We've got some BIG stuff to discuss!