Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Got the Wong Guy

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Got the Wong Guy

Dogfolk defeated, the party wonder whether this beastfolk-filled canyon could be Nimbus's homeworld, and head towards a village for more information.

Canid Warrior: Guh! Retreat! Retreeeat!

Nimbus: You're not gettin' away from-

Light: Nimbus, wait!

Nimbus: Wait?! If we hurry, we can catch them!

Light: YOU could. We cannot. Go alone, and you'll be ambushed!

Nimbus: Tch...

Alk: It sounded like they recognized you, Nimbus. Maybe this is your home world!

Nimbus: Maybe, maybe not. They might've mistook me for someone else.

Stella: What do you think, Light? Perhaps we could get more information about this world from its local population. Look.

Light: Huts... There appears to be a village ahead.

Light: Let's go. We must orient ourselves.

Nimbus: Hmph. I smell beasts, and a damn lot of 'em.