Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Darkest before Dawn

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Darkest before Dawn

As the others sleep, Claw admits that he didn't REALLY think Nimbus was a long-lost prince- but their chance meeting finally made his dream of ending the war come true.

Claw: Hey, Nimbus! Why the long face? Got something on your mind?

Nimbus: No! I'm just keepin' watch.

Claw: Relaaax! I'm just messing with you! Light asked me to take the next watch.

Claw: You guys looking out for me, me looking out for you... We're best buds already, huh?

Nimbus: You LIED to me, Claw. ...You never once believed I was the long-lost prince, did you?

Claw: Well, did you? You looked the part, and that's all that mattered.

Nimbus: Scammer.

Claw: Well, it worked out in the end, didn't it? Honestly, you guys had PERFECT timing! I don't know if we could've done it without you.

Nimbus: I'll bet. There's no way the catfolk would've stood a chance against trained, outfitted soldiers like those.

Nimbus: Why'd the dogfolk want peace in the first place? If they wanted to put an end to the war, they could've just crushed you guys, easy.

Claw: Because there wouldn't have been a point. We have NOTHING worth taking. Just dirt, ruins, and stories of better days.

Claw: The dogfolk stood to lose more than they could gain. ...Besides, you saw how Al is.

Nimbus: "No reason to hate the catfolk," was it? Heh. I'm sure there're plenty, and he's pretending not to see 'em, just like you.

Claw: Maybe. But we've been dreaming of the day we can leave all that behind for... for a really long time. That much is real. I promise.

Nimbus: I know, Claw. I know.

Nimbus: That day is tomorrow. You better be ready!