Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Cut the King Crap!

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Cut the King Crap!

Chatty Claw tries to butter Nimbus up with compliments, but is cut off by a bomb-slinging boar-riding canid.

Nimbus: GRRRAAR! Take THIS!

Elderly Feline: That force, those moves... There's no doubt about it- the tiger before us truly is King Whitetail! We must inform the chief at once.

Claw: No, don't Don't worry, I'll pass the news on to him!

Claw: There might still be dogfolk soldiers in the area, so you should hide with the other seniors! Take care, okay?

Elderly Feline: I will. Thank you, Claudius.

Claw: Man, that was some slick work! They don't call you king for nothing, do they?

Claw: I was totally blown away! I can't believe I'm talking to a living legend! This is so AWESOME! You're JUST LIKE the stories!

Nimbus: That's it! I've had enough!

Nimbus: Claw, was it? If I hear you spout anymore of that king crap, you'll regret it.

Stella: This is Nimbus. Not Whitetail.

Claw: Nimbus? Sure, dudes, whatever floats your boat. Who're the bald kids with you? Your escort?

Light: Bald?! They aren't- Ahem. We are Nimbus's companions, not his escort!

Claw: Hey there, little buddy! Man, I must not get out enough. I've never seen flying rabbits, or, uh... monkeyfolks? Where are you guys from?

Stella: ...

Nimbus: Do you EVER shut up? It's like you're TRYING to be annoying.

Claw: Heh! I get that a lot!

Alk: I don't exactly know exactly how to explain this, but we're not from around here. At all.

Alk: We don't know where we are, but... Are.. are you at war?

Claw: ...You really aren't from around here. Yeah, we're at war. Us and the dogfolk.

Claw: And it looks like you have front-row seats to the next battle! Look out!

Nimbus: Graah!

Claw: WHEW! That sure was a close one!

Light: Get back! Something's coming!

Canid Cavalry: Well, would you look at that? The scouts were right!

Canid Cavalry: Hello there, Whitetail. I think the two of us are gonna have a REAL grand time! Bwahaha!

Nimbus: Whitetail this, Whitetail that!

Nimbus: I'm sick of it! I've got a name, and it's Nimbus!