Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Coup D'état

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Coup D'état

The party find themselves caught in the middle of a coup- with guards fighting both with and against them. They press on towards the throne room.

Guard Captain: Intruders! All guards to me! They must not get past this gate!

Alk: I thought we had an audience with the king. What about the peace talks?

Nimbus: Yeah, well, looks like Claw "forgot" to make a reservation.

Albert: ...Claw, I was under the impression you'd already explained the situation to them.

Claw: Uh... We'll get an audience- soon as we get in! There, situation explained!

Guard Captain: GRRRAH!

Albert: Lower your arms! Why must you insist on fighting, when the war is so close to its end?

Guard Captain: Close to its end? Hah! We'll see about that. You haven't won yet, traitor!

Canid Guard: Sorry, Cap'n, but Albert's right. We're gonna need you to stand down.

Guard Captain: You- you MONGRELS! You dare defy the crown?!

Canid Guard: We'll hold 'im off, Albert! Take the others an' make a run for the throne room!

Albert: ...Thank you. Follow me!

Light: I think we were roped into a coup...

Nimbus: You've got some explaining to do, Claw. Get talkin'.

Claw: Okay, okay, look... If I'd told you, you wouldn't have come, and if I told THEM, there would've been waaay more guards!

Nimbus: Hmph. You've lost my trust.

Nimbus: ...But Albert hasn't. He has character, and I don't turn my back on guys like that. You better not screw this up for us.

Alk: Don't worry, Claw. This is just his usual tough-guy act.

Stella: Yes, I was thinking the same thing.

Nimbus: Can it and hurry up!

Claw: We're so close... *gulp* It's do-or-die now!