Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Canid Castletown

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Canid Castletown

As they enter the canid castletown, the party get to know their new companions a little better- until a guard spots the feline visitors.

Alk: Wow, the whole town looks like a castle! I was expecting huts like the catfolk's village.

Light: Yes, it certainly is impressive.

Claw: Right? They carved the stone hills into an entire town! Dogfolk are AMAZING craftsmen!

Alk: Why are YOU bragging about it?

Claw: WHen the treaty goes through, we're gonna learn sooo much from the dogfolk! I'm dying to know how they build like this!

Albert: Don't be deceived by Claw's talk of peace and harmony. This bookworm just wants free access to our library.

Claw: Hey, that's not fair, Al. I want peace and harmony too!

Stella: It seems you and Nimbus have something in common then. Nimbus also visits the library often.

Nimbus: S-Stella, shhh! They don't need to know about that!

Stella: He's been learning his letters to read some books his friend left for him.

Claw: Ooh, really? That's a pretty cool friend! What're they like?

Nimbus: Heh. He was a weird guy. He used to run around making friends in the borderlands and digging old fairy tales outta the sand.

Claw: Really? That's crazy, man! ...What ARE the borderlands, by the way?

Nimbus: Albert, was it? How do you put up with this guy? I thought the dogfolk hate the catfolk, and Claw's annoying as hell.

Albert: Though I cannot speak for my elders, I see no reason to "hate" the catfolk, especially knowing them as well as I do.

Albert: I won't deny that Claw is indeed flippant and "annoying as hell," but-

Claw: Al! I thought we were FRIENDS, man!

Albert: AHEM. Claw is flippant, but Claudius is my dear friend, who I know is always on the same page as me.

Albert: Does that answer your question?

Nimbus: Yeah. It does.

Nimbus: Looks like THAT guy's got an objection though.

Canid Guard: Albert, you are a disgrace to the pack! You'll not take another step towards the castle!

Albert: I didn't ask for your opinion.

Albert: Or for your permission! Stand aside, or stand on guard!