Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Calling all Catfolk!

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Calling all Catfolk!

The party arrive in a town full of catfolk, who mob Nimbus, celebrating the return of "King Whitetail." Just as they're about to get an explanation from a panther named Claw, dogfolk strike again.

Nimbus: What is this place? Everyone looks like me...

Alk: Um, excuse me.

Young Feline: Eep! W-who are- WHAT are you?

Light: Travelers from afar. We mean you no harm.

Young Feline: Wait, are you- he is! He really is! King Whitetail!

Teary Feline: King Whitetail?! But he was- Oh, oh my goodness, I can't believe it! The king has retuned! I'm -*sniffle*- I'm sho glad you're alibveee!

Excited Feline: Our king, our hope! Quick, get the others!

Nimbus: King?! Wait, wait, I'm not-


Shocked Feline: King Whitetail?!

Awed Feline: He's got a royal escort too! I've never seen anyone like them!

Light: Royal escort?!

???: Dude, what's all the racket? There's no way it could REALLY be King Whitetail... or is there?

Nimbus: Would you cut out the King Whitetail crap already? I've never even heard of the guy!

Elderly Feline: I can't believe I lived to see this day...

Elderly Feline: We must inform the chief!

Stella: Please, calm down. We just arrived and would appreciate if someone could explain where we are.

Stella: ...They aren't listening.

???: All right, all right, give the poor dudes some room to breathe! I'd be happy to answer any questions!

Claw: I'm Claudius, by the way! Pretty much everyone calls me Claw, though. Like to keep it short and sweet, y'know?

Nimbus: I don't care who YOU are, I just wanna know what's goin' on here!

Stella: Claw, do you know of any old ruins in the area? We're looking for-

Panicked Feline: Dog alert! Dog alert!

Panicked Feline: We're under attaaack!

Claw: Ay a time like this? C'mon man, couldn't they have waited a few minutes?

Elderly Feline: Your highness! Now that you've returned, we can send those mangy mutts packing once and for all!

Nimbus: Mutts? Must be those dog-like beastfolk from before. What are you tryin' to rope us into?

Light: No time to ask now! Let's go, Nimbus!

Nimbus: Fine, FINE! But I better get a DAMN GOOD explanation for all this later!