Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Beastfolk?!

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Nimbus sniffs out a pack of canid beastfolk, who mistakes him for someone called Whitetail and attack. Whoever Whitetail is, he sure isn't popular!

Light: Nimbus, can you sense anything?

Nimbus: Sure can. I smell blood...

Nimbus: Blood, and bloodlust!

Canid Warrior: Guh! Jig's up, lads. Get 'im!

Nimbus: ...Beastfolk?!

Canid Warrior: Whitetail?! But- No, he can't be... Whitetail's supposed to be...

Canid Warrior: Capture the tiger- alive! We need to report this to 'is Majesty!

Alk: More beastfolk?! They've got reinforcements!

Canid Warrior: For the Kiiing!

Canid Warrior: AWOOOOO!

Nimbus: Whitetail? I dunno what the hell's goin' on, but looks like they're not interested in talkin'!