Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/At Looong Long Last!

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At Looong Long Last!

Defeated, the king appoints Albert his regent, giving him full-command of peace negotiations. The party start heading hack to the catfolk village to seal the deal.

King of Dogfolk: No! NO! Unhan- *cough* Unhand... me...

Light: Nimbus, let him go!

King of Dogfolk: Wretch... You- *cough* You should have DIED... long ago!

Nimbus: ...

Nimbus: You deal with him, Claw.

Claw: Your Highness, we've no intentions on your life, I assure you.

King of Dogfolk: You think I'll believe that? Now?

Claw: We mean no harm to you or your subjects. This is precisely why we stand before you, asking for a truce! Let there be peace!

Claw: Sir Albert, if you would be so kind.

Albert: Very well. You can keep your throne. However, I shall assume full command over the upcoming peace negotiations.

Claw: For the prosperity of your people, and for your long and continued rule, there must be peace. What say you, Your Highness?

King of Dogfolk: ...The catfolk shan't be so quick to forget that day, twenty odd years ago. The prince speaks of peace now! But for how much longer?!

Nimbus: What're you so afraid of?

Nimbus: Their king died tryin' to end the war. Honor his wishes, and the catfolk'll probably forgive you.

Nimbus: Now sit your ass in that fancy chair and cooperate, got it?

King of Dogfolk: ...I appoint Albert as my regent, and... And bequeath unto him all command over peace negotiations with the catfolk.

Canid Guards: Albert's done it! He's gone and done it!

Albert: Yes, with your aid. Thank you.

Albert: Take him away. Gently, now.

Canid Guards: Sir, yessir!

Claw: Nimbuuus! You did it, man! You were so cool! That was AWESOME!

Claw: Man, you gave me goosebumps at the end there.

Nimbus: Run your mouth all you want. I'm not fallin' for it.

Alk: Pff, now THAT'S convincing.

Claw: Either way, we owe you, dude. Peace talks are a go, no one got hurt, and Al avoided a trip to the dungeons. So yeah! Life is good.

Albert: Nimbus. Light, Stella, and Alk. Allow me to extend each of you my deepest gratitude. With this, the dog and catfolk are saved!

Albert: Could we ask you to lend us your aid but a little longer?

Light: For what?

Claw: To go tell the rest of the catfolk! Now Al's in charge of negotiations, we've just gotta get him to the village and work out a treaty.

Claw: Then, at long, long, looong long last... the war will be officially over!