Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/An Unexpected Ally

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An Unexpected Ally

The party meets Claw's friend, a canid knight named Albert. He outlines the plan- Nimbus will meet with the king of dogfolk as "Prince Whitetail."

Light: Claw, where are we meeting this friend of yours? We've strayed a long way from the village.

Claw: Aaalmost there. We should see him any second now-

???: Took you lot long enoguh.

Light: Dog ears... Dog tail... An ambush?!

Claw: Whoa, whoa, hold on! This is that friend I told you about!

Claw: Sorry we kept you waiting, Albert.

Albert: Everything's all done and dusted on my end, Claw. It won't be easy, but we can put the plan in motion whenever you're ready.

Nimbus: This is your friend? You're workin' with the dogfolk?

Albert: Ah, you must be Nimbus. Allow me to introduce myself. Albert Fang, Knight. I'm one of the castle guards.

Albert: Color me surprised. You really DO look just like the stories.

Claw: Hey, c'mon, I wouldn't lie to you, would I?

Albert: You exaggerate everything. Shall I list all the times you've tried to sweettalk me into something?

Alk: So he WAS just buttering us up.

Albert: *sigh* He has good intentions. At any rate, we would like to ask Nimbus to meet with His Majesty- the king of the dogfolk.

Albert: He cannot possibly decline an audience with "Prince Whitetail."

Nimbus: You guys really think he'll buy that I'm a prince?

Claw: It'll be fiiine, man! You just stand there looking pretty and I'LL handle the talking.

Nimbus: EXCUSE me?

Claw: I'm a pretty smooth talker when I want to be! And, no offense, but it'd make things a heck of a lot easier for me if you just stay quiet.

Nimbus: I have a bad feeling about this...

Claw: Oh, but I WOULD appreciate help taking out any monsters we run into!

Nimbus: He sure knows how to boss a guy around, huh?

Albert: You can say that again.

Albert: I'll handle the monsters. Come along, now. We've still a ways to the castle.

Albert: Many of the dogfolk are keen to see this war ended- for good and for all. I implore you to lend us your aid, Nimbus.