Story Quests/World 4: Fang Canyon/Aggressive Negotiations

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Aggressive Negotiations

The party reach the king, to whom Claw eloquently introduces "Whitetail." They call for a ceasefire; the king calls for his dire wolf assassin, Klaus.

King of Dogfolk: Albert. Finally come for my throne, have you?

Albert: I'm not here to steal the throne, you greedy old fool!

Claw: A-Al?! Chill! Put that sword down!

King of Dogfolk: Catfolk?! Preposterous! You've sunk lower than I thought, Albert.

Claw: We humbly request an audience, Your Highness. Before you stands Claudius Navelle, of the Panther Clan.

Claw: I speak on behalf of my liege, His Holy Majesty, King Whitetail, who appears before you to resume his father's peace negotiations.

Nimbus: ...

King of Dogfolk: Whitetail?! You mean to say that princeling whelp lives?

Nimbus: What'd you just call me?

Albert: Recall the armies. The dogfolk will be reconciled with out feline neighbors!

King of Dogfolk: Recall the armies?! Have you lost your bloody mind, Albert?! You can't seriously consider those vile barbarians NEIGHBORS.

Albert: How long will you cling to your grandfathers' grudges?! We're done fighting to settle disputes forgotten generations ago! We live TODAY.

King of Dogfolk: Fools! FOOLS! You live today perhaps, but you'll not be seeing tomorrow!

Nimbus: Who-

Assassin: ...

King of Dogfolk: My dire wolves will eradicate every last one of you traitors! Kill anyone who speaks of a ceasefire!

Assassin: ...Yes, Your Majesty.