Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/World of Water

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World of Water

Light and Nimbus have a hard time adapting to the salty sea air and battling seasickness. The pirates reveal to them that this world was submerged underwater long ago, and that Beastfolk like Nimbus also live here. The Crimson Blades are currently heading for the nearest landmass, known as a Float, while protecting a fleet of merchant ships.

Alk: Wow... It really is nothing but water as far as the eye can see!

Nimbus: The salty air's makin' my fur coarse...

Light: Mine is curling into sheep's wool...

Alk: Oof. You two have it rough, huh?

Alk: But to be honest, it's kinda nice. Just being out on the sea, you know?

Lean Pirate: Arr, this lad gets it! There ain't nothin' like that ocean smell!

Lean Pirate: You holdin' up okay there, tiger? Didn't expect a tough guy like you to get seasick!

Nimbus: Yeah, well, unlike you sea dogs, I've spent most of my life on land.

Nimbus: Wait a second... Are there another beastfolk here?

Lean Pirate: hat are you goin' on about? 'Course there are.

Nimbus: ...!

Lean Pirate: But you've really gotta be from out in the boonies if you ain't ever been on a boat before. I didn't think that was even possible!

Burly Pirate: Yeah. I mean, there ain't nothin' but water in this world.

Light: What?

Marina: Most of the land here was swallowed by the sea ages ago.

Marina: Have you all been living in a cave or something?

Light: No... We...

Marina: Well, I don't care if you fell down from sky or crawled out of the sea. As long as you put in the work, that's all that matters.

Marina: And I've gotta say, you've earned your keep! You'd make a fine addition to my crew.

Nimbus: You a courier? Those look like merchant ships behind you.

Marina: Yeah, something like that. Once we reach the next Float, this job's done.

Alk: Floats?

Marina: Yeah. Towns made up of numerous vessels- most people live on 'em. Cause you know... no land.

Stella: Why are all the landmasses underwater?

Marina: Don't ask me. That's just the way things were when I came here.

Light: Is this not your homeland?

Marina: Hehe. It's rude to ask a woman about her past, you know?

Marina: ...Okay! We're almost there, mateys- one last push! There's a feast in town with my name on it!