Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/What's My Name?

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What's My Name?

In celebration of her victory against the pirates, Marina pockets some treasure for herself. Some of the defeated pirates recognize her and the Crimson Blades, but have a hard time remembering her actual name.

Marina: Ooo, shiny... I think I'll keep this one.

Light: Marina! What'd you just slip into your blouse?!

Marina: Heh-heh... Have you already forgotten, dear Light? I'm a pirate.

Nimbus: It's stolen goods anyway. What's the big deal?

Light: They should be returned to their rightful owners!

Marina: Maybe. But I think my heroics have earned me a little reward.

Pirate Captain: Heroics?! Hah! You've hornswoggled 'em good, haven't ya?

Marina: So you're the captain of this ship? If you can even call this floating piece of junk a ship.

Pirate Captain: Arr, you'll regret those words, wench! You don't know who you're-

Pirate Captain: Wait. Those burning red locks of hair...

Marina: Hehe. Looks like someone's a little slow on the update! That's right... I'm none other than the one and only-

Pirate Captain: Marina of the Scarlet Demons!

Marina: ...

Marina: Close. That's Marina of the Crimson Blades to you!

Pirate: Wait, isn't that Marina of the Vermilion Hair?

Coarse Pirate: No, you idiot, that's Marina The Insatiable!

Alk: You've made quite a few names for yourself, huh?

Pirate Captain: If you think you can steal so easily from me, you've got another thing comin', lassie!

Nimbus: Ohh... It'll be like taking candy from a baby.

Alk: You're having a little too much fun playing pirate, Nimbus...

Marina: You've just ticked me off, "laddie." No one insults Marina and gets away with it.

Marina: Let's end these scallywags!