Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Underwater Flipper

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Underwater Flipper

The group finally finds the treasure they were looking for- the World Flipper. However, the celebration is cut short when the masked sorceress makes an appearance. Although Marina isn't impressed by her antics, the sorceress summons a wave of daemons to attack.

Alk: *pant* *wheeze* Are we... there yet?

Marina: I wish there was a way to get these escalators working underwater...

Amelia: Sorry, guys. It'd be a lot easier if you had some fins.

Nimbus: On the bright side, check it out.

Marina: I can't believe it... The World Flipper! We've finally found it!

Stella: It's already been activated.

Marina: Huh? You mean somebody else is using it?

Marina: Heh. It wouldn't be a proper treasure hunt without a few setbacks, right?

???: I reeeally dislike it when people touch my toys, you know.

Light: That aura...

Masked Sorceress: Yoohoo! Did you miss me, dearies?

Nimbus: You again!

Masked Sorceress: Are there MORE of you now? I REALLY am not one for crowds.

Light: YOU must have summoned the daemons...

Light: Why join hands with the Lord of Shadow? What are you plotting?!

Masked Sorceress: Aww, does the widdle rabbit still think it's fit to be a hero?

Light: What?!

Masked Sorceress: Anyways, I'm just here for research. I don't have time to be frolicking with has-beens.

Light: Research?

Masked Sorceress: Are you familiar with alchemists? They always have their noses stuck in a book, learning how to mix this and that.

Masked Sorceress: I'm like that, too- but MY focus is on the destruction of worlds!

Marina: Yawn. Booorning.

Masked Sorceress: Oh?

Marina: I know a few alchemists myself. And I could never figure out why they'd rather be reading than sailing. So I asked.

Marina: Turns out, those books WERE their adventures. They sailed, just like me- but on seas of knowledge.

Marina: And YOU'RE not like them.

Marina: I can tell even with your mask on!

Marina: You don't care about knowledge or adventure at all!

Amelia: My Czarina... You. Are. KILLING. It!

Masked Sorceress: Stella, dear, you really should choose your acquaintances better.

Stella: Please don't insult my friends.

Masked Sorceress: Oh, poor child. Do you ACTUALLY think you're friends?

Masked Sorceress: Rise, my daemons!

Light: Impossible... It takes time to summon a creature of such power...

Masked Sorceress: Ahahaha! I know... I'm good, right?

Alk: We'll see about that.

Masked Sorceress: Oh, you're still here?

Masked Sorceress: You really ARE an idiot, aren't you?