Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/The Mermaid Sanctuary

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The Mermaid Sanctuary

After quelling Hermie's rage, Alk and the others enter the inner sanctuary. The gorgeous ruins suggest that an advanced civilization once flourished here. Upon seeing its current dilapidated state, Light dwells on how little he actually knows of his own world.

Amelia: Score one for Team Amelia!

Alk: I thought you were friends...

Stella: Hermie. Can you talk?

Amelia: What happened? Did a bad guy do something weird to you?

Amelia: You were told not to let anyone in?

Amelia: They might still be around. Do you remember who they were?

Amelia: No, huh? Hmm... Guess we'll have to check it out for ourselves!

Amelia: Our destination's just a few fin flips away. Come on!

Amelia: We're heeere! Welcome... to the sanctuary!

Nimbus: Good gravy... I didn't think it'd look THIS nice.

Marina: Not only that, the floors and walls are all made of mythril!

Alk: Imagine the cost...

Stella: It seems there was a flourishing society here long ago.

Light: ...The more I learn about other worlds, the more I realize how little I know.

Light: The fiends are always one step ahead of me.

Marina: Cheer up, Light. You're gonna get the kiddies down too!

Light: I know. Doubt will hold me back.

Light: But I must keep moving forward.

Alk: You okay, Light?

Light: Yes, Alk. Though it seems I still have much to learn.