Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Something's Fishy...

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Something's Fishy...

Alk and the others investigate the cargo hold and find what appears to be a mermaid being held captive in a tank. In one swift blow, Marina breaks the mermaid free. She introduces herself as Amelia, and thanks the group before returning to the sea.

Nimbus: ...They really didn't want us in the cargo hold. The hell are they hiding?

Alk: Huh? What was that?!

Marina: who would've guessed? Those rascals nabbed themselves a mermaid...

Stella: She looks to be in pain.

Marina: Yeah, well... a tank of this size is pretty much a prison cell for a mermaid.

Marina: Wait... What're you doing?

Stella: I'm going to rescue her.

Marina: What?

Marina: Haha! Oh, Stella... you beautiful tropical fish!

Marina: Step back and allow me to show you why I'M captain of the Crimson Blades!


???: Oh, thank Neptune! I SERIOUSLY thought I was gonna die in that tank! Talk about lousy hospitality, right?

???: I totally owe you my life. So! Who's the lovely prince who came to this little mermaid's rescue?

Alk: She sounds... fun.

Marina: Sorry, no princes here. marina of the Crimson Blades, at your service! We're pirates!

Light: ...I am a champion.

???: No way! Pirates? Are you for real?!

Amelia: That's so flippin' cool! I'm Amelia! Can I call you Czarina, Marina?

Marina: Ahaha! Czarina? Now that's a title I can get behind!

Light: Ahem... Tell us, Amelia. How were you captured?

Amelia: Oh. My. Geez. Okay, so I was just chillin' in the water, doing my thing, you now? And then this net came outta nowhere!

Amelia: Next thin you know, I got yoinked onto this ship, and stuffed into the dinky little tank! Worst. Day. EVER!

Amelia: And those grimy pirates were even talking about eating me! GROSS!

Alk: E-eating you?!

Marina: They say that mermaid essence grants immortality. Junk science, but I'm guessing those dogs smelled a business opportunity.

Amelia: Humans are seriously the flipping WORST! Wait... You're all humans too! Stay back! I'm not delicious- probably!

Nimbus: Can someone shut her up already?

Alk: Relax. We're not gonna eat you. We're here to... uh... ... What ARE we here to do?

Stella: Help her home.

Marina: Okay... So the official story is that this "cargo" here fell into the ocean. That good enough for you, Champion?

Light: Of course... It was gone before we knew it.

Marina: All right, this here should be fine. Make sure you steer clear of human ships, got it?

Stella: Safe travels, Amelia.

Amelia: Yay! Thanks, you guys! You've gotta come and hang out with me in the sea sometime!

Alk: And she's off. Now that's a fast swimmer.

Marina: Just goes to show... The ocean's where all the magic is.

Marina: ...Arrrrright, mateys! Let's get these powder monkeys to the proper authorities and have us a feast!

Marina: I could eat a whole whale right now. And I'll bet you're dying to talk about the World Flipper.