Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Ship? Wrecked.

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Ship? Wrecked.

The crew manages to fight off the Kraken, but the damage to the keel has been done- the ship sinks to the bottom of the sea. When Light and the others come to, they find themselves somehow able to breathe in a world underwater.

Marina: Uh-oh. The keel's broken, you guys.

Alk: What does that mean, exactly?

Marina: The ship's gonna sink.

Alk: Seriously?!


Alk: Ngh...

Alk: Wait, what?!

Alk: G-guys, wake up!

Nimbus: Five more minutes...

Nimbus: ...! Wait... What the hell's going on here?!

Light: W-we're underwater?! I-I don't know how to swim! BLURGHARGH!

Stella: Relax, Light. We can breathe.

Light: Y-you... You're right.

Light: But the question remains... How is this happening?

Alk: Do you guys feel any different?

Light: No... And that is what's strange.

Stella: This appears to the be the ocean floor. I surmise that we sank here after being attacked.

Nimbus: ...Hey. Where's Marina?

Alk: And the rest of the crew, for that matter!

Stella: We should have been together when the ship sank.

Light: Perhaps the tides carried them somewhere else. How long have we been down here?

Light: We have many unanswered questions. Let's begin searching for answers.