Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Shimmering City Under the Sea

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Shimmering City Under the Sea

While in search of the World Flipper, the group is confronted by an aggressive group of mermaids, who have mistaken them for being responsible for taking Amelia's life.

Marina: The treasure has gotta be around here somewhere- I can almost smell it!

Light: I've never seen buildings like this before...

Marina: Highways and skyscrapers. Yeah, I'll bet this place used to be a real metropolis.

Alk: How many people used to live here?

Light: All those lives, lost...

Marina: It's not all doom and gloom. Whoever made it out, their descendants live on the Floats now!

Marina: And I bet some of them even decided to stick around!

Nimbus: Here? In the ocean?

Marina: You'll see what I mean soon. This way!

???: Stop right there.

Old Man: Who dares to trespass on sacred grounds? State your business!

Marina: Right on cue! Sorry, pops, but could let us off the hook?

Old Man: Those who defile our holiest of sanctuaries will be dealt with according to- Wait... Are you human?

Alk: Oh! You're mermaids! Just like Amelia!

Old Man: Amelia? AMELIA?! What have you done with my Amelia?!

Stella: Has she not returned home yet?

Old Man: I've warned her countless times about the surface dwellers who would hunt her flesh, and yet...

Old Man: No... It cannot be! Have you... Have you EATEN her?!

Light: What? No! We-

Old Man: I won't have it, you murderers! Face the ocean's wrath!