Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Parting Ways

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Parting Ways

Although the group manages to defeat her daemons, the masked sorceress taunts them once more before making an escape. When Stella activates the World Flipper this time, her body and Light's begin to glow. Despite Alk being left out of the phenomenon, he remains steadfast to see this journey through. Marina and the Crimson Blades leave for their next adventure, and Alk and co. take the plunge into a new world.

Marina: What, is that all you've got?

Masked Sorceress: *sigh* This is beginning to bore me.

Masked Sorceress: I've already finished my work here. Sorry, but I don't have time to keep playing with-

Amelia: Wow, seriously? Talk about a lame excuse! Just admit you lost, lady!

Masked Sorceress: Shut up, you... fish-for-brains!

Stella: Wait! Who are you, exactly?

Masked Sorceress: I wonder? Maybe you'll figure it out if you rack that little noggin of yours, Stella!

Marina: You don't need to worry about that loser- for now, at least.

Marina: Not when the ultimate booty is sitting right before us! Do your thing, Stella!

Stella: Understood.

Stella: Initializing synchronization.

Marina: Whoa...

Stella: Synchronization complete. Light, your world is-

Light: What's this?

Light: I sensed a strange power...

Stella: I saw something as well.

Alk: You know, I think you really are the Oracle of Champions.

Alk: It would explain why you're having trouble with the World Flipper.

Alk: When Light lost his powers, so did you.

Alk: Oh, sorry! I didn't mean that in a, uh- just thinking aloud, you know?

Alk: What I'm trying to say is, your fates are connected.

Light: ...Then we may find more than just a path home when we complete Stella's starchart.

Light: But all will come to nothing if I do not regain my power.

Stella: How about you, Alk? Did you feel anything?

Alk: Nope. The light didn't touch me at all.

Stella: I see.

Alk: it's fine. Even if I don't have a destined role or whatever in all this...

Alk: ...I'm gonna do whatever I can to help you guys!

Marina: Aw, Alk! You bug softie!

Alk: Marina...

Marina: So I guess this is it, huh?

Amelia: My Czarina... Are you really leaving? Take me with you!

Marina: Sorry, Amelia. You don't want to make your grandpa worry, do you?

Amelia: Ngh...

Marina: Stella... Did you find the treasure you were looking for?

Stella: Yes. I believe I have.

Marina: I see.

Marina: You boys ready? It's finally happening-

Lean Pirate: *sigh* Is this really the end... of the Crimson Blades?

Burly Pirate: *sniff* I can't believe it.

Lean Pirate: But hey, we had a hell of a time, right?

Marina: What are you two blubbering on about again?

Lean Pirate: Huh? You're going back to your original world, aren't you?

Marina: What? No way! There's still treasure to be discovered, you fools!

Marina: How am I supposed to explore these new worlds without my trusty crew? I don't remember dismissing any of you!

Lean Pirate: M... MARINAAA!

Burly Pirate: Please... marry me.

Marina: I'm sure our paths will cross again one day, so I'm not gonna say my goodbyes just yet!

Marina: Marina, OUT!

Alk: Wait, you're already-

Alk: There she goes.

Nimbus: One hell of a woman, isn't she?

Stella: She knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to take it.

Stella: I wonder if I can be like her one day.

Alk: You kind of already are...

Nimbus: Heh. As far as unpredictability goes, at least.

Light: It's time we set out.

Amelia: *sniff* I'm gonna miss you guys. Stellie, Al, Lighteous... Even you, Nim-Nim.

Nimbus: ...Just Nimbus is fine.

Stella: Take care, Amelia.

Alk: Swing by Starview sometime, okay?

Amelia: Definitely! I'm totally there- just you wait!

Amelia: Byeeee! And thanks again for saving me!