Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/No Free Rides

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No Free Rides

The Crimson Blades have no interest in what Alk and the others have to say. Just when things started to seem hopeless, the crimson-haired captain of the crew makes a grand entrance and decides to hear them out. Regardless of the story, Alk and the others will have to earn their keep if they want to stay on board- as pirates.

Lean Pirate: Arrrgh... All hands on deck! Looks like these drifters need to be taught a lesson!

Light: Wait! Listen to us!

Lean Pirate: Arr, don't you try and parley with us, stowaway scum!

Captain?: Stop right there!

Captain?: What'd I tell you boys about getting a party started without me?

Lean Pirate: C-cap'n! They're the one who raided our ship. They fell from the sky and everythin'

Nimbus: Didn't she just do the same thing?

Light: We did not come to fight. We are lost, and alighted on your ship by chance.

Lean Pirate: That doesn't even make sense!

Captain?: LET 'EM EXPLAIN!

Lean Pirate: Y-yes, ma'am.

Captain?: I saw their crash landing with my own two eyes. But before we go any further, you drifters have names?

Alk: Oh, right... I'm Alk. This here is Light, and that's Nimbus.

Stella: I'm Stella. Are you pirates?

Lean Pirate: You tellin' me you haven't ever heard of our cap'n?!

Marina: I'm Marina. As you've already guessed, I'm a pirate!

Marina: And these scallywags here are my crew- the Crimson Blades!

Stella: Crimson... Blades?

Alk: Whoa, that actually sounds kinda cool!

Marina: Aw, thanks. I knew I had a good feeling about you.

Marina: Now, that being said... I don't care if you're a stowaway or not, but we have rules on this ship.

Nimbus: Rules?

Marina: That's right- earn your keep, or walk the plank!

Light: I will NOT ally myself with corsairs!

Alk: I mean... It should be fine for just a little, right? It's not like we have anywhere else to go.

Light: But... Piracy is...

Stella: We shouldn't take advantage of their generosity, Light.

Light: They're FELONS!

Nimbus: I'm good with that. If it's extra muscle you're looking for, I'll do what I can.

Marina: Hehe... I'll make seaworthy pirates out of you yet!