Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Jackpot!

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Alk and the others reunite with Marina and the Crimson Blades, who have taken the opportunity to get their hands on all the treasure they can find under the sea.

Alk: No signs of Marina here.

Light: Let us rest. Hmm... Perhaps we should not have strayed from the ship.

Stella: ...

Nimbus: What's wrong, Stella?

Stella: Oh... I was just admiring how the surface of the water looked from this side.

Nimbus: Heh! What does it take to faze you?

Alk: And on the other hand, there's me, freaking out about everything...

Stella: I have the utmost faith that Marina will be okay.

Alk: Yeah, you're probably right.

Alk: You're really strong, you know that, Stella?

Stella: There ARE things that worry me, though.

Stella: For example, how much longer do you think we'll be able to breathe here?

Alk: Urk... Let's NOT think about that.

Light: Wait. Do you hear something?

Marina: Aaaaallllk! Steeeelllla!

Marina: Oh good, you four made it! I guess that's everybody then!

Alk: Marina! You don't know how happy we are to see you- wait, what've you got there?

Marina: Treasure, duh! We hit the motherload down here, Alk!

Nimbus: We have no ship, and you're STILL diggin' for treasure?

Marina: I'm Marina of the Crimson Blades! What did you think I was gonna do? The sea is our oyster, right?

Alk: ...Is that how it goes?

Light: Do you know why we're able to breathe?

Marina: Nope. Luck, I guess.

Marina: It's not every day you get a chance like this! You can think about why all you want later, but now's the time to act!

Burly Pirate: That's our Cap'n...

Lean Pirate: *sniff* She's really gonna find a way home, isn't she?

Marina: What're you scallywags blubbering about? Let's get moving!

Stella: See? Everything worked out in the end.

Alk: It did, didn't it? Come on, let's go!