Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Is THAT How You Greet a Friend?

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Is THAT How You Greet a Friend?

As the group ventures deeper into the mermaid's sanctuary, more and more daemons appear. When they encounter a giant crab, Amelia recognizes it as her friend Hermie. However, it ignores her greeting and attacks in a blind rage.

Alk: Daemons are swarming everywhere...

Amelia: Ruuude. This place has always been my face, ever since I was a little guppie!

Stella: Your... fave?

Amelia: Yeah! I'd always play with Hermie and Squiddle here!

Alk: Hermie and... Squiddle?

Alk: What's wrong?

Marina: Did anyone else feel that?

Nimbus: It's... getting louder.

Light: Watch out below!

Nimbus: Damn! Another bug one, Everyone ready?

Amelia: ...! HERMIE! I haven't seen you in ages!

Alk: You're telling me THIS thing is Hermie?

Light: His eyes... are like Regitare's... Amelia, wait! He's being controll-

Amelia: What's WITH you, Hermie? I'm not sure if I like your attitude right now!

Amelia: Okay, now I'm mad! Looks like we're gonna have to teach you a lesson!