Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/In the Shadows

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In the Shadows

Light is convinced that the monsters who have infested the sanctuary are not ordinary monsters, but daemons. Alk and the others let Amelia lead the way as they venture deeper into the sanctuary.

Marina: Yeah, I'll bet having monsters like that around could be a real problem.

Amelia: But you took care of them just like that! *sigh* You totally ARE the coolest pirate in the sea!

Nimbus: What was with those things anyway? They didn't seem like your typical sea monsters.

Light: Daemons.

Nimbus: You know what they are?

Light: They serve the fiends. And when it comes to battle, they are deadlier than even their masters.

Alk: Wait... They attacked Starview before!

Nimbus: You sure they're related to the fiends?

Light: The daemons bore their mark. At last, the Lord of Shadow has stretched his hand to realms beyond our own...

Marina: Whoa... You really ARE a champion.

Marina: Welp, it looks like our fun's just beginning, mateys! Sharpen your blades- we're going fiend hunting!

Amelia: Woohoo! I'll lead the way, so just follow me!

Grandpa: Oh, no you don't! There's no way I'm letting you anywhere near danger after what happened last time!

Grandpa: Not without me, at least! I'm coming-

Grandpa: Urk... M-my back!

Stella: Please take it easy.

Stella: We have both pirates and champions in our party. Nothing will happen to Amelia.