Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Great Big Blue

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Great Big Blue

It's another fine day on the ocean blue for the Crimson Blades, a pirate crew feared across all the seas, when a ragtag group of adventurers suddenly crash land on their deck. Mistaking them for stowaways, the pirate crew attacks- questions can come later, right?

???: Ahh, just lovely! Nothing like the salty sea air to kick off the morning!

???: Perfect weather... for plundering some booty! Today's the day, boys! I can feel it-

???: ...!

Alk: Oof...

Light: G-get... off of... me!

Nimbus: The hell are these guys?

Lean Pirate: Arr... That's our line, matey! Who sent ya?!

Stella: The ground beneath us is unsteady. Is this a ship, by any chance?

Lean Pirate: You got some nerve, boardin' us from above! You fancy yourselves descendin' angels?

Nimbus: Do we have a problem here? You wanna go or somethin'?

Alk: Relax, Nimbus. We just poofed on their beat. Of course they're on edge.

Lean Pirate: Edge?! Arr... You'll be tastin' the edge of my cutlass, laddie!