Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Chef Alk

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Chef Alk

With their work finally behind them, Marina and the Crimson Blades join Alk and the others for a celebratory feast. Completely enamored by Alk's cooking prowess, Marina attempts to recruit him as a chef for the Crimson Blades, but Alk has no intention of ending his journey with Light and Stella yet,

Marina: Mmm, MMM! Nothing like good eatin' after a hard day's work, right? Alk, gimme seconds!

Alk: Coming right up!

Nimbus: You're really goin' to town, huh?

Stella: Alk's cooking is exquisite.

Nimbus: Why don't you ever help him?

Stella: The culinary arts and I are highly incompatiable.

Nimbus: Not even gonna try, huh...

Marina: You ever thought about becoming the head chef for a pirate ship, Alk?

Alk: Nah. Cooking's just a side hoobby.

Alk: And I'm not ready to end this journey just yet.

Marina: Heh. Looks like my headhunting skills need a little work.

Light: *nom nom* M' and I wiwl mot haand my comwade abah to a band owf bwigands.

Alk: Do all champions talk with their mouth full?

Light: ...Sorry.

Stella: Marina. Might I request some information?

Marina: On? Oh right... The World Flipper!

Marina: For years I've been looking for it... A door that once connected this land to other worlds, before the sea consumed everything.

Marina: The World Flipper's said to reach beyond the stars and open on to all the knowledge in the universe...

Marina: A device to transcend dimensions.

Alk: Dimensions?

Marina: You know... world hopping? What you guys did.

Marina: Fall out of the sky and land smackdab in the middle of the ocean. I got here the same way, actually.

Light: You've used the World Flipper?

Marina: Not exactly... Let's just say I'm a bit of a drifter. And there's no shortage of drifters in this world.

Stella: So you wish to return to your original world?

Marina: Something like that. We have the same goals, so how about we join forces?

Lean Pirate: But Cap'n... We've searched for so long and still have nothin'.

Burly Pirate: Ain't it about time we call it quits?

Marina: Shut it! I've got a good feeling about this time!

Marina: What's it gonna be? Sink or swim?

Light: We are no friends to corsairs?

Alk: Aww... Come on, Light.

Light: But we ARE friends to Marina and the Crimson Blades.

Nimbus: That's fine by me. I don't have any problems with pirates, either.

Stella: Then it's settled. We'll be happy to join you, Marina.

Alk: Oh, man... We're going on an actual treasure hunt with pirates!

Marina: You bet your dungbie, Alk! X marks the spot- and that spot is the World Flipper!

Marina: We'll sail for the northern seas! The most treacherous waters! And you're all coming with us!

Marina: This calls for a celebration, mateys! Drink up!