Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Arr, We're Goin' Pirate Hunting!

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Arr, We're Goin' Pirate Hunting!

Light is curious as to why Marina has decided to hunt other pirate ship, despite being the captain of a pirate crew herself. She claims that having other pirates plaguing merchant ships in the area is bad for business. On top of that, she's gunning for whatever treasures they may have on board.

Lean Pirate: Cap'n! Enemy ships on the horizon!

Marina: Finally! You boys ready to party?!

Alk: Urk... Their crew looks way scarier than ours!

Light: Why do you hunt fellow corsairs?

Marina: This crew's been plaguing merchant ships in the area for some time now. And that, my fuzzy friend, is bad for business.

Marina: To be honest, the navy should be handling something like this, but they can't seem to get off their lazy butts to do anything about it!

Nimbus: So lemme get this straight. On top of shipping legal merchandise, you're taking out other pirate ships?

Nimbus: It sounds to me like you're just doing their job for them.

Marina: Maybe. But I'm fine with that- I'm doing this because I want to!

Marina: I'll bet you're happy too. Despite your distinct lack of footwear, you seem like the type of guy who loves this Goody Two-shoes stuff.

Nimbus: Hah. Whatever you say.

Marina: Plus, I bet they're hoarding all kinds of booty on their ship! Any pirate worth their salt knows at least that much!

Alk: Booty? I wonder what it could be.

Stella: Booty... treasure. Something of great worth and esteemed as rare or precious.

Marina: Hah! You're like a walking dictionary.

Marina: But real treasure... is something you want more than anything else.

Stella: Something... I want?

Marina: Yeah. Though most chests also come with a few surprises.

Marina: All right, you powder monkeys! Let's get this party started!

Nimbus: Finally, some real action- Now THIS I can get behind!