Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/And Down We Go

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And Down We Go

Marina has prepared a submarine to explore the underwater ruins on the ocean floor that the mermaids have made their home. However, the campaign is cut short when a Kraken entangles their ship.

Nimbus: Hey, you sure we're in the right place? There's nothing but water out there.

Marina: Nimbus, Nimbus. Things aren't only surface-deep.

Marina: This world wasn't always submerged, remember?

Light: ...Then the World Flipper rests at the bottom of the sea.

Marina: According to the crew that captured Amelia, they found her somewhere around here.

Marina: Legends say that mermaids built a society within ancient underwater ruins. So this should be a good place to start looking, right?

Alk: But how are we supposed to get there, exactly? We're not swimming, are we?

Light: I'd... rather not, if possible.

Marina: Heh-heh... You think I'd come all the way out here without a plan? We've got our own submarine!

Marina: It's the same kind that sea scavengers use! Should be fine, I think-

Nimbus: The hell was that?!

Crewmate: C-Cap'n! We're under attack!

Marina: What?!

Alk: A giant, giant, GIANT SQUID!

Marina: Phew... I don't think I've ever seen one THIS big before.

Light: Here it comes!