Story Quests/World 3: Endless Blue/Amelia's Back, Baby!

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Amelia's Back, Baby!

The misunderstanding is finally cleared up when Amelia shows up to stop the brawl. She reveals that she used her abilities to give Alk and the others the ability to breathe underwater. The mermaids agree to assist in the group's search for the World Flipper, when they're suddenly attacked.

Nimbus: You ready to talk now?

Old Man: Ngh... I'll have my revenge... Even if it kills me!

Old Man: *sob* AMELIAAAA!

???: Stooop right there!

Stella: Amelia!

Amelia: Geez. I get distracted for ONE SECOND, and it's like magic. Now you see them, now you don't.

Old Man: Amelia? Oh, Amelia! You haven't been eaten!

Amelia: What? No! And what are you doing to my friends, Grandpa?! These kind humans just happened to save my life, you know!

Grandpa: I-is that so? It appears there may have been a misunderstanding here... Ahem. More importantly, where did you swim off to this time?!

Amelia: Um, nowhere in particular! I just thought Czarina was pretty amazing, so I miiight've followed them around for a while.

Marina: What? I tell you to steer clear of human ships, and you FOLLOW one?

Amelia: Yeah, I know but... It was a good thing I was around when you guys sank.

Amelia: You're breathing, aren't you? Uh, you're welcome!

Light: So this... is your doing?

Amelia: Mmhm. So come on, tell me. Who's an awesome little mermaid?

Alk: You're an awesome little mermaid!

Grandpa: ...AHEM! That still doesn't explain why you're trespassing here.

Stella: We are in search of the World Flipper.

Grandpa: You know of the World Flipper?! Hmm... I suppose I'll hear you out, seeing as you saved Amelia's life.

Grandpa: However, monsters have recently made this sanctuary their home. It's gotten to the point where even I cannot-

Light: Watch out!

Monster: GREEEE!

Light: Daemons!

Light: On your guard. They are servants of the fiends!