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Episode 1
Beauty and the Beast

After Nimbus sleeps through one of her performances, Sonia reveals that his story was what inspired her to leave the troupe.

Sonia: Behold the floating lotus of the desert—the one and only Sonia Therese!

Stella: Sonia dances beautifully...

Light: Moments ago, we were the only ones watching. But now, quite a crowd has gathered.

Light: I find the dance somewhat... immodest. Wouldn't you agree, Alk?

Alk: Huh? What? You talking to me? No, it's, uh, just normal dancing. You know, very sens—USUAL. Very USUAL. ISN'T THAT RIGHT, NIMBUS?!

Alk: Huh? Nimbus?

Stella: Nimbus is taking a catnap.

Alk: ...Now?

Band Member: Heeey! Thanks, water lady! Man, when our headliner took it on the lam, we thought it was curtains for us. You saved the show!

Sonia: Aww... Well, I had fun dancing for you guys. I can't remember the last time I felt so alive!

Band Member: Heh. Our pleasure, friend. Well, it's time we headed out, but if fate throws us together again... how about another jam session?

Sonia: Yeah, of course! I can't get enough of your music!

Band Member: Duuude, that's so nice of you to say. Well, we'll catch you around! Take care, water lady!

Light: It was a fortuitous meeting, I see.

Sonia: Guys! Thanks for coming! Did you enjoy the show?

Alk: Yeah! It was great! I could really see your, um... passion.

Sonia: Oh really? Did it change your perspective on me?

Alk: Mmhm. Sure did.

Sonia: Tell me exactly what parts it changed your perspective on.

Alk: Parts? ...PARTS? I mean... I guess... Everything? Uh... Why are you so close?

Stella: I also gained a new perspective. I never knew the human body was capable of such movement.

Sonia: Hahaha! Gosh, you two are so cute!

Sonia: And Nimbus... What did you think?

Nimbus: Sorry. I wasn't watching. Had to run a few errands.

Light: I wasn't aware sleeping counted as an errand.

Nimbus: Sh! Why'd you have to tell 'em?

Sonia: What? Had your fill of dancers in the desert?

Sonia: ...And here I was, excited to be performing for the "Hellcat of the Dunes."

Nimbus: You knew about me?

Sonia: You were the star of the show! Hellcat's Murderous Monster Menagerie! ...I used to dance in the opening act.

Alk: Hellcat's... Murderous Monster Menagerie?

Nimbus: A freak show, Alk. They tossed me in the ring with monsters—I fought for my life. The end. ...It's all ancient history now.

Sonia: Yeah. Just girls, grub, and gore. Can't say I miss it either. You were never a freak to me though— you were my inspiration.

Sonia: You broke through the bars of your cage, freed a town, and then... disappeared overnight.

Sonia: When I heard about it, it awoke something in me. I mean, if you could steer fate, why couldn't I? And before I knew it, I'd run away from the troupe.

Alk: Then, by sheer luck, you made your way to us, right? ...Don't you think you were being kind of reckless?

Sonia: Oh, I think I was being very reckless. But I got here in the end, didn't I? AND managed to come face-to-face with my hero.

Nimbus: ...Don't put me on a pedestal.

Sonia: Hey, Nimbus? Don't sleep through the show next time, okay?

Nimbus: ...We'll see.

Sonia: Hehe. I know you want to watch. Curiosity always gets the cat!

Episode 2
Dancing with the Stars

When Nimbus asks Sonia why she continues to dance, despite her stormy past, she has a simple reply: because her body tells her to. Nimbus is touched by her passion and (somewhat reluctantly) becomes a fan.

Sonia: Stars dance in the palm of my hand, Hope blooms in my heart, like a flower in desert sand...

Sonia: No, not like that... Come ON, Sonia...

Nimbus: Hey.

Sonia: Hi, Nimbus! You're up early today.

Nimbus: You do this every morning? You're covered in sweat.

Sonia: Yep. I practice so my body doesn't forget.

Nimbus: Why?

Sonia: Hm?

Nimbus: You left your old life behind. You don't have a manager here, or chains to tie you down. So why are you still dancing?

Nimbus: I could see you dancers from my cage sometimes. It was like lookin' at a mirror. ...We all felt trapped.

Nimbus: But it's different now. You're free to do anything you want. So why dance?

Sonia: That's... a good question.

Nimbus: What?

Sonia: The truth is, I don't really know. Sure, I've thought about throwing the past away and making a brand new start, but...

Sonia: Watch this! Shamshir Baladi!

Nimbus: ...Whoa.

Sonia: Hehe. "Whoa" is right. All the epic battles we've had inspired that one.

Sonia: And... I guess there's your answer. Inspiration strikes. My limbs start aching to move. So I dance. I listen to my body.

Stella: Listen to your body...

Nimbus: D'ah! When'd YOU spawn onto the map?

Stella: When she was dancing.

Sonia: Hehe. Too mesmerized to notice?

Nimbus: Hah. Good one.

Sonia: Welcome to the show, Stella. What do you say to an encore?

Stella: Yes, please.

Sonia: And our beastly friend?

Nimbus: Grr... All RIGHT, I'll watch! No running, no hiding, no sleeping!

Sonia: Then, without further ado! Sonia Therese proudly presents "Heroes Who Dance Among the Stars."

Nimbus: Hah. She just does what she wants.

Stella: Nimbus, do you dislike dancing?

Nimbus: No... Not anymore. I'm starting to see the magic in it.

Stella: Yes... It's truly enchanting.

Episode 3
Hearts, Beating as One

Sonia catches Stella furtively practicing a few steps and offers to guide her. As the girls twirl together, they talk about the allure of dancing.

Stella: Now I raise my left hand, and...

Stella: ...Something is unquantifiably wrong.

Sonia: Hey, Stella! What're you doing?

Stella: Meep!

Sonia: *gasp* Do my eyes deceive me...

Sonia: Or are you trying to dance?

Stella: No, I... I am definitely NOT trying to dance.

Sonia: Oh! You just avoided eye contact! That never happens! I smell a liar!

Stella: A liar... ...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you.

Sonia: Oh, no! Don't feel bad! I was just teasing! ...Sooo, you really were dancing.

Stella: Yes. My apologies.

Sonia: Like I said, enough with the feeling bad! Actually, I'm really happy you're trying to learn.

Stella: I do not follow.

Sonia: Well, you're interested in something I love!

Stella: I... see. That is a relief to hear, but it cannot erase my feelings of disappointment.

Sonia: Hm? What are you disappointed about?

Stella: Would you classify this as dancing... or erratic vertical movement?

Sonia: Oh. But, um... Dancing's not about how you look. It's about how you feel.

Stella: How I... feel?

Sonia: Oops. I just made things more complicated, didn't I? Hm... We don't have any music, but... I know!

Sonia: Stella, let's dance together!

Stella: ...?

Sonia: That's right. Lean into me more.

Stella: Won't that make it more difficult to move?

Sonia: The opposite. Here. Just relax... and listen.

Stella: To what?

Sonia: The pulse and breathing of your partner. You need to learn to speak the language of the body.

Sonia: ...Can you hear what my body is saying?

Stella: Yes, but... It's hard to listen past the pounding in my ears.

Sonia: Hehe. That's your body's response.

Sonia: But I think you've gotten the hang of it. Look.

Stella: Oh.

Sonia: You're dancing.

Stella: I'm... dancing!

Sonia: ...Hey. What made you want to dance all of a sudden?

Stella: I wonder... I believe I first felt the impulse after watching you.

Sonia: Me?

Stella: Yes. I found it strange... I'd never seen a human body move in that manner before. And the more I thought about it, the more interested I became.

Stella: Eventually, I wanted to test it myself. Though perhaps, "test" is not the right word... Mm...

Sonia: Haha. It's okay. I get what you're feeling. ...You know, I used to hate dancing.

Stella: Really?

Sonia: I mean, I didn't ask to join the troupe. I thought that dancing for them would be like giving in... But then one day, I saw the "Dance of the Moon."

Sonia: It was so beautiful... The moonbeams made the dancer glow with this otherworldly light, and... I found myself wanting to be like her.

Stella: You ARE like her.

Sonia: I am?

Stella: You have danced with the stars.

Sonia: Heh. Thanks... You're the best, Stella!

Sonia: Let's do this again! Next time, we can get Alk, Nimbus, and Light in on the fun too!

Stella: Yes. I'd like that—very much.