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"I'm Sonia Therese, but all my friends call me Sonia! Shall I dance for you?"

"I can reach new heights. I feel it in my core. I'll dance with the moon and stars themselves! All I need is your help to do it. You won't let me down, right?"

"Hey, wanna dance with me? Hehe. Relaaax. There's nothing to be nervous about."

"Behold the floating lotus of the desert—the one and only Sonia Therese! ...Dramatic, I know. But, believe it or not, I used to be pretty popular."

"I never dreamed the world was so big. ...If I'd had all this opportunity growing up, would my life have been any different? Or was I destined to become a dancer?"

"Have you ever seen "Dance of the Moonfairy"? It's... otherworldly. I'd love to take you sometime.""

"It's weird... I'm not homesick at all, but... Standing here, and looking up at all those beautiful worlds, to me, home still shines the brightest."