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Episode 1
Do Androids Dream

Sera, the android commander of the elite Aegis Squadron, is pursued by her own men. She escapes via the World Flipper, losing consciousness in the process. She is found by the party in Starview Village, where she informs them she is after a certain key individual. The group accept her into their midst.

Android Girl: I seem to have eluded them...

???: Not another step.

Android Trooper: Come quietly, First Commander Sera.

Sera: Why does the Aegis Squadron continue this pursuit? As Commander, I reject the judgment of the Squadron—

Android Trooper: You stand accused of attempting to access forbidden memory bytes.

Android Trooper: What you intended to do with the memories of that defunct squadron unit I do not know. But you must be aware that you broke the law.

Android Trooper: Our duty is to uphold law and order. That the First Commander of the Aegis Squadron would transgress in such a way is unacceptable.

Sera: ...!

Sera: Are you all right?

Android Trooper: Your power is extraordinary. But there is no place for you to run.

???: Explosion detected—she's over this way!

Sera: A secret room… Its existence was completely erased from all data sources.

Sera: To what end did the Administrator hide such an object here?

Sera: You are still here?

???: Indeed, I may linger yet a while longer.

Sera: Your idle curiosity has always gotten the better of you.

Sera: A recreation of a long-lost facility once common in human civilization. What was the nomenclature? A library?

Sera: Quite peculiar that they would go out of their way to externalize archives by imprinting them onto this substance called paper…

???: Heh, you know some droids these days—mostly radicals, mind you—say there's no point in archiving data. Not when you can just store it directly in your memory.

???: But that's neither here nor there. Take a look at this, Sera.

???: Beautiful, isn't it? It's a blue flower that once existed, long ago.

???: They say that every flower has a name—an abstract concept that they represent. Like how roses symbolize love.

Sera: ...I fail to understand. A flower is a flower.

???: Not a single romantic module in your body, is there? This flower reminds me of you—I should like to give it a fitting name.

Sera: In that case, please hasten your consideration. We have precious little time on leave.

Light: And you found her unconscious in the square, you say?

Stella: Yes. I tried speaking to her, but she did not respond.

Nimbus: You did well bringin' her here. She's one of them droids, ain't she?

Nimbus: None of our medicine's gonna work on her, huh.

Alk: It might be better to go look for someone who can help.

Sera: That will not be necessary.

Sera: My apologies. It seems I have caused you a great inconvenience.

Sera: Where is this place, exactly?

Stella: We are in Starview Village—a location that serves as the intersection of many worlds.

Sera: Starview… Village?

Alk: Hey, what's the big idea?!

Sera: Suspicious unidentified autonomous lifeform identified! Commencing extermination procedures.

Light: W-what?! Unhand me at once!

Sera: Lifeform is… extremely soft, snuggly, and fluffy… Compliance with extermination order proving to be difficult... Must maintain public order, but target is... so cute...

Sera: I must... I must...

Stella: Light is indeed a very fluffy and soft lifeform. But he is also our dear friend.

Stella: You can't exterminate him. Please let him go.

Sera: Have I... made an error in judgment?

Nimbus: Nice of you to notice… Oww…

Sera: I am sorry for the commotion I caused.

Sera: So, you were saying that this is an entirely different world?

Sera: And Commander Light here is actually your leader? Please forgive me for my brash and disrespectful actions, Sir!

Light: I suppose your response was understandable, given you had just woken up and were no doubt quite confused…

Light: …Though I fear you may have misjudged the situation yet again.

Nimbus: So, you gonna tell us why the hell you were lying out there in such bad shape?

Sera: Well, you see...

Sera: I am currently on a very important mission to search for a key suspect.

Light: In other words, you're on an investigation?

Sera: Yes. The information is highly classified, so I cannot divulge more. However, I can say that they are guilty of disturbing the peace.

Nimbus: You think it's possible it could be that rust bucket?

Alk: Let's not jump to any conclusions. I mean, every single one of us fits a description like that.

Stella: Let us set the matter aside for now. Welcome to Starview Village, Sera.

Sera: I am free to stay here?

Light: Of course. At the very least until your wounds heal.

Light: If you require assistance, let us know. We have allies on the Android Planet as well, should you need them.

Sera: You have my thanks!

Sera: As soon as I recover I will endeavor to lend my aid to the people of Starview Village under your guidance, Commander!

Light: I must emphasize that I am NOT the commander here…

Sera: Sir, yes sir!

Episode 2
The End of Duty

While on an errand in Palpebra, Sera discovers a familiar blue flower she once saw in a dream. She daydreams about its meaning, realizing that her memories might have been wiped. A conversation with Rec Register helps harden her resolve. Afterward, Stella gifts her the blue flower she spotted earlier.

Alk: Well, I think that's about everything I had on my list.

Sera: Town patrol mission complete!

Alk: Not everything needs to be a mission—we can just call that shopping.

Sera: Affirmative! Entering standby mode pending further orders.

Light: Sera, I think we might have touched on this before, but we aren't your superiors. You needn't wait for orders of any sort.

Light: Why don't you try doing something that YOU want to do?

Sera: I… I see. In that case, pardon me.

Light: Oof, I thought we said no more of that... nuzzling!

Sera: But, Commander Light, your instructions were to do something that I wanted to do!

Light: Er, yes, I suppose they were. Either way, please let me go! Eep—and THAT part of the tail is definitely off-limits!

Sera: Affirmative! Standing by until permission for further nuzzling is granted.

Alk: Anyway... Sera, this is your first time in Palpebra, right? Anything catch your attention?

Sera: Catch my… attention?

Sera: This blue flower…

???: ...Come to think of it, we're just emptying out a room. You sure there isn't more important work waiting for you elsewhere?

Sera: There is no point in idle chatter. Let us complete this task without delay.

???: Huh, Sera, take a look at this. I found something interesting.

Sera: A curious paper-based medium... Is this a… book?

???: That's right. There was a note inside it too… It says… Justice. A fitting name for her flower.

???: Whoever lived here was certainly an oddball. Where did they get this book thing from anyway?

Sera: From a library—

???: A library? I think I've heard that word before. You're pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, huh?

Sera: I… am?

Light: Sera?

Sera: M-my apologies! Were you talking to me?

Alk: Are you all right? You looked like you were dreaming or something.

Sera: There is nothing to be concerned about! I will now proceed with town patrol duties.

Sera: If you will excuse me, I must go.

Alk: Oh, but—and she's gone.

Sera: …A dream. A memory? But one I do not remember having.

Sera: Is it possible that my memories were wiped too?

Man's Voice: Why don'tcha try sayin' that to my face again?

Merchant: Pfft, I don't have time for third-rate adventurers like you who can't even get past the Shallows.

Adventurer: Watch your mouth you goddamn——

Sera: Freeze. Unauthorized act of violence detected.

Sera: Place your hands in the air and get down on your knees. I will hand you over to the local authorities.

???: My, my. No matter where you go, you're always playing sheriff.

Sera: You... You are the fugitive, Rec Register!

Sera: Prioritizing apprehension of wanted criminal!

Regis: Hahaha! Are you talking about me? Because I don't think I'm the only one that's broken the rules here.

Regis: Let's continue this conversation somewhere more private. Follow me.

Regis: Let's clear something up: you DO know exactly who it was that took out the Administrator, right?

Regis: Hm. It seems you do.

Sera: I heard it all from Miss Stella.

Regis: I see. But you don't have any intention of acting on that information—or perhaps you're at a loss for what to do.

Regis: Now that we're free of the Administrator, I don't think there's any need to play by someone else's rules, if you know what I mean.

Sera: What are you after here? What is your aim?

Regis: I'm just trying to get to know the locals better, that's all.

Regis: If anything I should be asking you that. What exactly are YOU up to?

Regis: You betrayed your squadron, stole top-secret memory bytes, and departed in such a spectacular fashion… To what end?

Regis: To play this game of pretending to be a watchful officer of the law?

Sera: ...!

Regis: Listen. If you're scheming up a dastardly plot and need some help getting it done—don't hesitate to give me a call. I'll be waiting.

Regis: Farewell for now.

Sera: He is correct. I can no longer act as a guardian of the law. Not when I abandoned my duties as Commander.

Sera: I am running away from even my own memories.

Alk: Hey, Sera!

Sera: Everyone… Why have you come here? I thought you had already withdrawn to our HQ.

Alk: You looked pretty upset earlier, you know? We figured we should check in on you!

Sera: I… I regret that I caused you such concern.

Light: Please, being concerned costs us nothing. It is the very least we can do.

Light: Should you wish to fight, or to flee, you may do so. Whatever path you choose, we'll walk it with you, as comrades.

Light: You can rely on us, Sera. I don't know how useful I will be in my current form, but I have it on good word that I am... soft to the touch, if that helps.

Sera: Commander…

Stella: Sera, please have this.

Sera: This flower… Is it from the stand we visited earlier?

Stella: You seemed interested in it. I would like you to have it.

Light: Night will fall soon. We should head back before it grows dark.

Sera: Affirmative. Patrol duty successfully completed.

Sera: Withdrawing to primary base of operations.

Episode 3

Thinking on the meaning of the blue flower, Sera decides to share her past with the party. She journeys back to her world and confronts the Aegis Squadron alone. She asks one member about the blue flower, but the android has no recollection of it. Sera vows to return those lost memories and dispatches the troop. Later, she sits in her private chamber, greeting the return of an old friend.

Sera: Recharging process complete. Energy levels at maximum.

Sera: A gentle morning breeze. Today will be another beautiful day.

Sera: Justice... is the name of this flower.

Sera: And so, I have chosen to fight.

Light: Understood. Let us hear more, then.

Sera: In my home world, I belong to a peacekeeping force known as the Aegis Squadron.

Sera: They function as protectors of law and order in the land, though they also served as an elite troop under the Administrator's control and supervision.

Sera: Which is to say that we were directly involved in the memory wiping process.

Sera: It is also highly probable that I managed internal affairs and oversaw purges of... undesirables.

Light: It's probable—so you are not certain?

Sera: There are gaps in my memory. It is likely that I, too, was subjected to a wipe.

Alk: So you're missing memories...

Sera: I have dreams. Dreams whose importance I cannot fathom, though they seem significant.

Sera: Surrender yourselves immediately. The orders calling for your elimination have already been processed and approved.

???: Sera… What about all those whose memories were wiped? Will you not protect them? What happened to your sense of justice?

???: Was I mistaken when I named that flower after you...

Sera: That is why I must fight.

Alk: …You plan on going alone?

Sera: Yes. It is imperative that we keep the location of this town secret from the Aegis Squadron.

Sera: Only I can subdue them. I will endeavor to keep the destruction to a minimum.

Sera: I need to be the one who puts an end to this.

Light: I understand. But only on one condition.

Light: Know that we won't sit idly by if you should not return in time. We will look for you and help you. Can you agree with those terms?

Sera: Yes! You have my gratitude, Commander.

Light: That will be my final order as your commanding officer. Consider me retired.

Sera: Sacred Blast: Fire!

Regis: Spectacular! That's quite a display you put on there.

Sera: Rec Register… Tell me, if we successfully breach the Aegis Squadron's system, will we be able to restore everyone's memory?

Regis: Of course. We've got proof it's possible: memories the Administrator erased have already been restored to many.

Regis: It's likely the Aegis Squadron has its own restricted domain, where they store the extricated memories of their own kind.

Regis: If we can break through that firewall, then perhaps Dia's song will reach them and stir their memories.

Sera: Affirmative.

Regis: I'm afraid I can make no guarantee for YOUR memories, however.

Sera: But why?

Regis: The one who wiped your memories was no member of the Aegis Squadron. Nor was it the Administrator herself.

Regis: It was someone who knew all too well the most simple way to put an end to pain.

Sera: I understand.

Android Trooper: It has been a while, Commander Sera.

Android Trooper: But I'm afraid this is the end. No one is to go beyond here.

Sera: That blue flower… Do you remember the name you gave to it?

Android Trooper: Blue… flower?

Sera: If you have forgotten, then I will remind you.

Sera: Of our crimes. Of the precious moments we spent together.

Sera: Of the candid words we shared.

Sera: Seraphim Form activated. Commencing subjugation.

Sera: Recharging process complete.

Sera: A gentle morning breeze. Today will be another beautiful day.

Sera: Welcome home.