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"First Commander of the Aegis Squadron, Savior Seraph ready for duty. Please refer to me as Sera. Your body composition is most... unusual."

"I will use this newfound power to atone for my wrongdoings. My mission is not yet complete."

"It is my duty to enforce the law, protect the populace, and bring about peace to the world. To these ends I dedicate every aspect of my being."

"I am currently in pursuit of a suspect in a crucial case. I request that you cooperate with my investigation."

"Why is Commander Light so... fluffy? It is not the place of a commanding officer to be so soft and cuddly. I will need to exercise great self-restraint."

"If our relationship were to become known, I would be a fugitive as well. In other words, we are now accomplices."

"Thus far we have had fluffy, silky, and jiggly. What other tactile sensations will I experience in the next world? I can hardly wait."

"I have decided to fight. I cannot avoid my memories, nor my wrongdoings. I must confront them and forge ahead."