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Episode 1
Steel Wolf

The Starview crew are ambushed by the Navy when doing a cargo pickup, and Alk is captured. When he refuses to reveal the whereabouts of the Crimson Blades, Gaean Colonel Selene helps him escape by faking his death.

Alk: Agh...

Alk: Where am I?

Alk: A ship? Wait... That's right...

Alk: *pant* *pant* What's happening? We just came for a pickup!

Alk: Nimbus! Stella! Where are you?!

???: Incapacitation without decapitation... Impressive.

Officer: I'll be your next opponent, kid.

Alk: Why is the Gaea Navy after us?!

Officer: Oh, there'll be plenty of time for talk later.

Navy Officer: Spill it, kid.

Navy Officer: All we want to know is where the Crimson Blades are. That's not too much to ask for, is it?

Navy Officer: Pirates, eh? They'll turn their back on the world, but they won't turn on each other.

Navy Officer: Colonel Selene. Think you can squeeze more outta this interrogation?

Selene: Well, Admiral. Sweet-talking was always my specialty rather than yours, wasn't it?

Navy Officer: Hah. Then work your magic, sugarcake.

Selene: Relax. Your little friends got away, you know.

Selene: Hah... That brought some color back into your cheeks. Do you treasure your friends, kid?

Selene: I like a man that can treat people right... And, to tell the truth, I've been your admirer from the very start.

Selene: You used the World Flipper to help the Crimson Blades escape, then came drifting back like nothing happened. You're quite a catch...

Selene: And I won't let you slip away.

Alk: How much do you know?

Selene: I know your future. And it branches in one of two directions.

Selene: First direction. We take you back to Navy headquarters, where you'll be tried and interrogated.

Selene: We'll be humane about it, of course. But as long as you keep those lips sealed, we keep you sealed behind bars.

Selene: Second direction. You tell us everything you know.

Selene: Sell us your friends' information, and buy your freedom.

Alk: In your dreams!

Selene: I knew you'd say that. I don't find either option attractive myself.

Selene: At this very moment, those are the only two paths open to you. But if you're feeling up to it...

Selene: So it begins. Look out the window.

Alk: Wait... Is that...

Selene: This vessel is disguised as a shabby merchant's ship.

Selene: And THEY think it's to hide moneybags and baubles.

Alk: Why do you...

Selene: Of course, they'd never attack if they thought this was one of the Navy's state-of-the-art destroyers. Not unless they're eager to win a date with Davy Jones.

Selene: But you know, miracles DO happen.

Selene: Lean against that wall.

Alk: Huh?

Selene: Stay quiet and do as I say.

Alk: What are...

Selene: Now. FIRE!

Alk: Wait... What?

Selene: And now, we've just blasted open the third path.

Selene: To the Navy, you just died in that explosion. But to me...

Alk: I'm your tool?

Selene: I was thinking more... partner.

Selene: I did say I admired you.

Alk: Are you betraying Gaea?

Selene: This world's on the brink of destruction, and you and your little band of world-hoppers are what's gonna tip the scale. But the government's not gonna publicize that.

Selene: Oh, they aren't plotting anything. They just can't see what's at stake, can't get off their asses, and can't be bothered to take responsibility.

Selene: Sounds boring, if you ask me.

Alk: Boring?

Selene: You're too complex of a toy for those old farts to play with. But I'd know how to press your buttons.

Selene: Come on. We don't have time for your gaping. If you've got any sort of backbone, follow me. I know a place you can hide.

Alk: I don't mind walking into danger.

Alk: And I'm open to working with you. It sure beats being hunted.

Selene: What do you think you're—

Alk: But I carve my own path!

Selene: Mermaids?!

Alk: So next time we meet, we're friends, right?

Selene: Hahaha! He got me!

Selene: Kid's gunning after my own heart.

Episode 2
Shadow of the Maw

Selene learns that a mythical beast known as the Maw has awakened from the depths and now threatens her world with destruction. When the Navy refuses to act, she scrapes together her own fleet and beats back a giant monster, but the easy victory has her suspecting that the fight isn't over yet...

Nimbus: This thing's not goin' down!

Selene: Alk! Nimbus! Let's end this!

Selene: So you want to be one of our satellite states?

Selene: If I remember correctly, your tune used to be you'd sooner sink to the bottom of the ocean then sink so low as to join Gaea. Why the change of heart?

Float Head: We're gettin' swarmed by monsters.

Float Head: We used to get big hurly-burlies like this once a year at most. In the past few months, we've had dozens. And the next onslaught keeps comin' sooner and sooner.

Float Head: We're at rope's end here.

Selene: Honestly speaking, I would've preferred keeping you independent. It's a crying shame.

Float Head: We're sorry, Selene, but will ya help us?

Selene: Of course. I've got a reputation to uphold.

Selene: The monsters are streaming in from the north. There must be some kind of reason. Environmental degradation, a disruption in the food chain...

Selene: No, wait... They're afraid.

Stella: Selene? He's here.

Selene: The Sage of the Sea... Thank you for taking the pains to come. Do you have any information?

Grandpa: We believe "the Maw" has awoken.

Selene: The Maw? What's that?

Grandpa: Legend tells of a beast that appeared when this world sank to the bottom of the sea. It is also called the Leviathan.

Grandpa: It's said to be sleeping north of our sacred lands, in a place of water and shadows, where even merfolk dare not venture.

Selene: The northern waters, huh? The teeming of monsters there is so thick even the Navy can't cut through it. Seems like this Maw of yours is more than a cute children's story.

Grandpa: Something has risen from the depths...

Grandpa: And now it's cutting south, leaving a trail of filth in its wake as black as pitch itself.

Grandpa: The sea creatures that have encroached on your territory are not part of a bold invasion, but rather... a panicked retreat.

Selene: And the true invader? Where is it now?

Grandpa: Heading straight for this float.

Grandpa: And now, human, you find yourself face-to-face with the same question that has haunted every beast of land or sea since the beginning of time. Fight or flight?

Selene: So what you're saying is, they won't send reinforcements.

Selene: No, it's fine. I saw this coming. The admiral has less spine than a jellyfish. Not to mention I don't have the time to confront him myself.

Selene: That'll be all. Out.

Alk: So... HQ won't help?

Selene: Good little kids should be in bed by now.

Alk: Would you mind not calling me a kid?

Selene: I call it as I see it. Admit it. You hate the label because you know it's true.

Nimbus: Don't change the subject. Is or isn't your no-good Navy gonna let this place sink?

Selene: Let me make one thing clear. Up top, they're not cold-blooded. They just lack initiative.

Selene: "Are all the reports true? What risks are involved? Should we investigate the matter further?"

Selene: These questions have never once crossed their drowsy old brains. They keep them out because they're scared of them, like how you'd shut a ghoul out of your house.

Selene: After all, the more they know, the more responsible they can be held for their inaction.

Light: Then this country is ruled by cowards.

Selene: Not everyone can be brave, chubby cheeks. I think it's rather cruel, not allowing people their little weaknesses.

Selene: And anyways... You don't know them like I do.


Selene: Big boy, isn't he? I can see him from all the way over here.

Selene: We'd better get him a fitting toy.


Selene: Guess he liked it. Well?! Don't hold back!

Selene: All ships, open fire! I want every last cannonball buried in its scales!

Selene: RAAAH!

Alk: Isn't this overkill?!

Nimbus: Look at the size of that fleet. I thought they weren't sending you backup!

Light: Many are not Navy vessels... I see the flags of corsairs!

Selene: Everyone, meet my lackies. I told them this was their chance to be in a sea battle to end all sea battles, and they came flocking over. Impressionable ducklings, aren't they?

Selene: Look. It's almost over.

Shade: Groooooar...

Light: The death cry of the Maw...

Selene: Playtime wasn't nearly as exciting as I'd expected. Maybe... that wasn't the Maw at all.

Selene: Let's not consider the war won just yet.

Selene: Which leads me to our next problem. I don't have any more tricks up my sleeve.

Selene: Unless you're willing to pitch in.

Stella: We'd love to.

Selene: Wonderful. Either way, I think we've earned the right to a little celebration. I can also introduce to you to my adorable ducklings.

Selene: Well, come on. It's the start of a long night for you.

Episode 3
Unyielding Steel

As punishment for utilizing military force without official sanction, Selene is stripped of her command and fleet. Pirates attempt to hunt down the famed Colonel in her weakened state, but she uses them as a diversion to fake her own death and escape to Starview.

Gaean Official: Colonel Selene! Do you not understand the implication of your actions?

Gaean Official: You are in serious violation of Navy code!

Selene: Would you rather I had let that whole float slip into the Maw?

Gaean Official: Do not change the topic, Colonel. We are here to discuss how you mobilized forces for personal use. Your FLAGRANT abuse of power.

Gaean Official: And your fleet contained not only Navy vessels, but civilian crafts and—get this—pirate ships!

Selene: I'd heard our sailors were there as the result of some kind of misunderstanding. Sloppy orders, perhaps?

Gaean Official: Watch your attitude, Colonel. This isn't like you.

Selene: Not like me? You have to be joking.

Selene: I know you've already decided on my sentence. I know this whole trial is nothing more than a set-up!

Selene: Before you send me away, let me give you some free advice. There's a storm brewing. And you're right in its path.

Selene: But you already knew that, didn't you? You're just too scared to face facts, so you try to distract yourself with this cute theater production.

Selene: Stop hiding! Fight! It's either that, or sink like a stone.

Gaean Official: Colonel Selene. The jury has reached a verdict. You are to be divested of all your rights as a commander until further notice.

Gaean Official: You will hold authority over one ship and one ship alone. Let this be a lesson to you.

Selene: I got what I deserved. But the real issue is the powers-that-be are disciplining their cat for knocking over a few vases when the whole world is about to crumble.

Selene: Desperate times call for desperate measures. If this doesn't get through to them, I don't know what will.

Alk: I'm guessing... you got in trouble?

Selene: You here to comfort me?

Alk: Do you even need comforting?

Selene: Wouldn't mind a shoulder to cry on for the night. Especially if its yours.

Alk: Selene, I came to tell you we're surrounded by pirates.

Selene: Well, that was faster than expected. They've got a sharper nose for blood than sharks.

Alk: There's at least twenty ships. Are you gonna fight them?

Selene: Of course. I was the one who invited them to this tango.

Selene: Remember how I asked you to pitch in?

Selene: Well, it's showtime.

Pirate Captain: Heh-heh-heh. Never thought I'd find the Steel Wolf without 'er pack.

Pirate Captain: We hunt 'er down and the Navy's just a bunch o' sittin' ducks. We're in for some smooth sailin', me hearties!

Pirate Captain: It's a two-fer-one deal! We take 'er 'ead AND that float!

Selene: Ready, aim, FIRE!

Warship Crew: Ma'am, we're running low on ammo. Do we bring out the bayonets?

Selene: No. Roll my pet out. I'm going for a ride.

Selene: This will probably be my last fight as the Steel Wolf.

Selene: You have all served me well. Thank you.

Selene: The next time we meet, we meet as equals!

Warship Crew: Colonel. Best of luck.

Selene: Right back at you.

Crewmate: Arr... Just what is that ship made of? It's unnatural, I tell ye!

Crewmate: They've stopped rainin' cannonballs down on us, Cap'n. This is our chance!

Crewmate: If we can board 'em, this battle's ours. They've got fancy guns, but we've got dozens of swords. Full speed ahead, you bilge rats!

Crewmate: A tank?! You're gonna send us all down to Davy Jones' locker!

Selene: Exactly. Sorry, but this was the only thing I could think of!

Selene: That might've been... more excitement than I could handle...

Alk: You're awake! I was half-afraid we wouldn't make it!

Selene: Sorry. I got a little caught up. Wanted to bring down as many pirates as possible.

Selene: So, how are things on the surface?

Alk: The captain went down with his ship. The rest of the pirates ran when the Navy arrived.

Alk: Come to think of it, didn't they take away your command and that iron cruiser?

Selene: On paper, yes. But my sailors won't be breaking any more laws for my sake.

Selene: Alk. Is there a place for me in Starview Village?

Alk: Always, but... are you fine with just leaving?

Selene: Yeah. Figured it'd be best if I joined you in playing dead.

Selene: I've already built a network that stretches all four corners of this sea.

Selene: The next step is going interstellar. Doesn't that sound like a blast?

Alk: I, uh... don't really get military stuff. But I'm sure you'll do great, Selene.

Selene: What are you talking about? You're my right-hand man now.

Selene: Well, let's not keep Starview waiting. Oh, and just a warning, I'm VERY particular about my décor. If my bed isn't at least the size of a small yacht, I won't sleep in it.

Alk: What? Why does it need to be that big?

Selene: You really want to know?

Alk: Actually... never mind. I, uh... respect your privacy and wouldn't want to intrude...

Selene: I keep multiple bedfellows.