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"Colonel Selene of the Gaean Navy. I'm known as the Steel Wolf round these parts, but you can call me whatever you want."

"Enough wolf's blood has been spilled in that ocean. It's time I moved on to a new world. As long as you lot are with me, I can go anywhere."

"Hah. Bizarre town you've got here. Wish I could show it to the admirals just to watch them lose their heads."

"Intrigue bore me. Just do what you think is think is right."

"Oh, my lackeys are everywhere. I'm not the type of girl to only have one dance partner."

"The Maw, huh? I don't care what mythical beasts rise from the depths—they won't terrorize MY ocean."

"Thanks to you, I've joined the ranks of the dead. I can enact my miraculous rebirth at any time but... let's tease them a little longer."

"The sky's beautiful... Heh. I can be sentimental too, you know. Especially when someone I want is nearby."