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Episode 1
How To Hunt a Dragon

Enlisted to find and take down a dragon causing tornadoes in the mountains, the party finds Schult. They prepare to fight. but are stopped by several young women who have been rescued by Schult- though they were once intended to be sacrifices to him. The party learns more about Schult and invitees him to Starview Village.

Stella: There are no signs of the dragon here.

Light: We aren't the only adventurers on this expedition/ If we keep pressing, we're bound to find it eventually.

Light: Let's forge ahead as we have been. Stay alert!

Pur Lilie: Incoming report from the Dracohazard Scouts! They've encountered a dragon- and a particularly strong one, at that.

Alk: No doubt that's the one causing all the trouble lately.

Pur Lilie: I don't know about that. The thing is, this particular dragon seems to have been around for more than 10 years.

Alk: From that long ago? What has it been doing that entire time?

Pur Lilie: Well, up until now, the nearby village had been offering up sacrifices to the dragon.

Nimbus: So they picked someone out to die and went on livin' their lives, business as usual?

Nimbus: And now suddenly they're the victims, come beggin' for help? What a load of crap.

Light: They were likely incapable of helping themselves. Perhaps they had other other resources but to offer sacrifices...

Light: But we can put an end to this tragedy. All we need to do is slay the dragon-

Storm Dragon: Groaaaaaaaaaar!

Nimbus: Damn, this one is the real deal, huh.

Light: Hold on- is that an Ancient?!

Light: It couldn't be... Why is it in a place like this? And why is it taking sacrifices?!

Light: Compose yourself, great dragon! We wish to know why one as great as yourself is asking for sacrifices!

Storm Dragon: You are... the champion?

Light: That's right. I am the champion, Light.

Storm Dragon: I see. Is this the Law of Ancients you spoke of, Rams?

Storm Dragon: But I will not fall this day- I cannot.

Light: We have no choice but to fight...

???: Stop it! Please stop!

Frantic Girl: You've got it wrong, Lord Schult isn't like that! Please! Everyone, if you would just listen to me...

Stella: We will listen.

Stella: What do you have to say?

Schult: I never asked for this. I never made demands for any sacrifice.

Schult: I was... chasing the thunder, traversing the skies... Before I realized it, I found myself in this world.

Schult: Then the humans came. At first, they bore their steel against me.

Schult: As time passed, their assault waned, and they came to me bearing something else...

Schult: Sacrifices. Though I did not ask, they offered them. Each time a storm raged, a new sacrifice was brought to me.

Lucia: My name is Lucia, and I was offered up in this precise manner... Lord Schult has been a great help to me- and to all of us who were sacrificed.

Alk: So Schult didn't actually do anything wrong?

Alk: Then why not just return to your village and explain the whole situation?

Schult: If they go... they will die.

Lucia: I did return to the village once. But the villagers exiled me- they said I had forsaken my role as sacrifice.

Nimbus: People can be real despicable sometimes...

Light: I've understand the circumstances. But they entire Adventurer's Guild has already mobilized- I'm not sure if we can prevent a conflict.

Schult: I cannot be bested by humans.

Light: Perhaps, but-

Stella: Come with us to Starview Village.

Stella: No one will pursue you there. You will be safe.

Schult: I cannot- I must watch over Lucia and the others. They rely on me.

Lucia: Lord Schult, please do not worry about us! We will be fine on our own...

Alk: Why don't you come with us too, Lucia? You can bring the others as well.

Alk: In the meantime, we can make up some sort of story about how we defeated the dragon, or how it ran away or something.

Schult: Hahahaha!

Schult: Hahaha! You human are... very different from what I expected.

Schult: Fascinating. I had forgotten what it feels like to be impressed.

Lucia: I don't think I've ever heard Lord Schult laugh like this before!

Schult: I understand now, humans. I will go with you.

Schult: Champion Light, you and your comrades have my thanks.

Stella: Of course. Welcome to Starview Village.

Schult: What business do you have with me, Champion?

Light: The name Schult... I've read it before, in the ancient texts. I believe you were referred to as the Gale of Calamity.

Light: The text described you as a being that indiscriminately cut down all that stood in your path- a whirlwind of cataclysmic proportions.

Light: I can't help but wonder, great dragon... Why would someone like that choose to help those sacrificed girls?

Schult: Do not think me the same as King Vagner. My days of pretending to be a storm are long behind me.

Schult: Yes, for what felt like eternity I stood idle, no longer wishing for anything. I did nothing but wait for my destiny/ For the Law of Ancients.

Schult: But one day, when I looked into Lucia's eyes, everything changed. A desire within me waxed. A desire to do something different.

Schult: Though I know not why.

Light: You don't know? It's hard to imagine those words coming out of a dragon's mouth.

Schult: I am different from other dragons. It has been... a long time since I thought of these matters and conversed on them.

Light: I see. My apologies. It is clear to me now that your intentions are noble... You are not to be feared.

Light: I am grateful to have an ally as strong as you on our side. May our bonds grow even stronger, great dragon.

Schult: I see in his eyes... that same thing I saw in Lucia's.

Schult: The will to fight on, even in the face of fear, even after endless setbacks. How very... human.

Episode 2
Schult's Delivery Service

Schult enjoys the various food Alk prepares and learns about the joys of flavor. Realizing that he needs to make money to justify his extravagant appetite, Schult decides to get a job, starting a delivery service. However, the damage caused by his great wings prove to be too destructive, so they call off the venture. Having spent a long time as a shut-in, Schult is excited to learn more about the world.

Alk: And here it is! Sorry for the wait.

Schult: This is your vaunted cooking, is it? It is certainly rich in color...

Schult: Hmm... What is the sensation?

Alk: I picked up this recipe from a village in the desert. It's got a bit of a kick to it, doesn't it?

Schult: A kick? Yes, I suppose the flor is quite bold.

Alk: It's 'cause of all the spices. They give it that strong aroma- and start a fire in your mouth!

Stella: I see that Schult is getting more used to speaking with humans now.

Lucia: When we first met him, he spoke even less! It seemed that until I came along, he hadn't even uttered a single word in hundreds of years.

Schult: Indeed, I was a... What is the word you humans use in such situations?

Stella: A shut-in?

Schult: Yes. Yes, that's right.

Alk: (A NEET dragon... There's a joke somewhere in here that I'm too scared to make...)

Schult: This food is very good indeed. Delicious? Delectable?

Schult: It pleases me- I shall have more!

Alk: Is his stomach a black hole or something?! How much do dragons eat?!

Schult: What seems to be the problem? Are you in pain, human?

Alk: N-no, I'm fine! It's nothing, really.

Stella: I see. You eat too much, Schult. Alk is concerned that he cannot afford the cost of food.

Alk: It's okay! Schult definitely DOES eat a lot, but I'll manage somehow. He seems to really enjoy the food after all.

Schult: Ah, yes... it's coming back to me now. Humans assign value to commodities and exchange them in an "economy".

Schult: Very well. I will earn my keep and seek a means to acquire currency.

Alk: You're gonna get a job?!

Customer: This is an express delivery- please hurry!

Alk: Of course! Greatwyrm Delivery Services is on the job!

Alk: All right, this is bound for the plaza in the city to the west. I've already notified them, so they'll be... ready for you.

Schult: The plaza to the west. Understood. Leave it to me.

Nimbus: A service where a dragon delivers your stuff wherever you want... That's not a bad idea. Did you come up with this?

Alk: Yep. Schult is perfectly suited for doing deliveries! This business opportunity was staring us right in the face.

Alk: At this rate, he'll be making more than enough money to offset his massive appetite!

Nimbus: Don't count your chickens before they hatch...

Stella: Damage report: 20 people injured due to falls. 8 roofs blown away. 15 livestock unaccounted for.

Light: That's what happens when you try to use an Ancient's power to start a business.

Schult: Apologies. I had intended to fly to my destination without causing a disturbance.

Alk: Don't worry, it's not your fault, Schult. I should have considered the possibility something like this could happen.

Schult: But his will make it difficult to earn more money.

Nimbus: Forget earnin' money, you're about to be in a whole lot of debt.

Lucia: Mister Alk, Lord Schult... Please take this. I know it's not much, but it's the least we can do.

Lucia: The girls and I found employment in Palpebra working as waitresses. Please use this for your food expenses.

Alk: You went though all that trouble? I mean, I really appreciate it, but you shouldn't have...

Nimbus: They're friends of his, I don't see a problem with takin' the money!

Alk: Th-this is a lot! Even after I buy everything I need to make Schult's food, I'll still have some left over!

Schult: Lucia, Aileen, Mertina... I am in your debt. Thank you.

Lucia: Lord Schult... It is an honor to be of service to you!

Schult: Still... it is vexing.

Schult: I would have liked to work and earn a living myself.

Light: By the way, Schult, I had something to talk to you about.

Light: I haven't told anyone else, but from what I recalled, ancient dragons don't need to consume food to survive... Am I mistaken?

Schult: It appears my secret is out..

Schult: I... wish to be like you humans. To blend in with you, I felt it necessary to emulate your behavior. To eat. To work.

Light: All of that commotion for a reason like that? I suppose I can understand wanting to fit in. What was it like? Being human.

Schult: It was... interesting. No, perhaps even fun. I fear I've wronged Sir Alk, however.

Light: You don't need to worry about Alk. I think he's enjoyed this experience, in his own way.

Schult: Yet the expression on his face suggested otherwise.

Light: That's simply the type of person he is- he enjoys enduring hardships to help his friends. Similar to Lucia, wouldn't you say?

Schult: I see. Humans are indeed fascinating creatures...

Light: It's curious. Despite being an Ancient that has lived for an eternity, you have an almost child-like innocence about you.

Light: I... apologize for my impertinence. I should not say such things to a great dragon.

Schult: I do not mind. 'Tis all the same to me.

Schult: My ignorance is understandable- I was a shut-in for so long, after all.

Light: Perhaps you should consider using a different expression...

Episode 3
Of Fate and Free Will

The guild takes on a request to defeat a dragon-looking creature and engage it in battle. Suddenly, Schult swoops in to save the day, defeating the enemy. He claims that defeating these "Serpents" is part of his destiny- the so called "Law of Ancients". However, he clarifies that choosing to help Alk and co. was entirely of his own volition.

Stella: It is very quiet.

Light: Too quiet. This place should be teeming with other adventurers. We weren't the only ones to take on this request.

Light: So the creature is a dragon.

Pur Lilie: Well, technically it's a dragon-LIKE creature. Nobody's sure what it actually is.

Pur Lilie: There's not much reliable information, unfortunately. However, given the incidents we've had before, we feel it's best to act quickly.

Nimbus: So basically we have no clue what we're goin' into. Don't you think you give us too many of these types of jobs?

Pur Lilie: That might be true! But... I have a bad feeling about this one in particular.

Pur Lilie: The more help we can get the better. We've even got fresh adventurers working on this! Having your support would really put my mind at ease.

Alk: If that's the case, I suppose it can't be helped.

Alk: This kind of reminds me of the time we met Schult.

Nimbus: So you think we've got another ancient dragon on our hands?

Light: The legendary dragons of old are not ones to make such casual appearances.

Stella: Schult had a very big lunch today.

Alk: He's graduated from just describing flavors to actually having his own tastes and preferences.

Nimbus: Next thing you know you'll have him talkin' like a normal person.

Nimbus: Holy crap, that thing's huge. It's almost as massive as Schult!

Light: Over there!

Alk: No doubt about it- that's a dragon!

Light: This sensation... it feels oddly familiar...

Nimbus: Alk and I will charge in first! The rest of you help out all the injured.

Light: Wait! You mustn't attack from the front!

Light: Oh no! Watch out!

Alk: Schult?

Schult: Fall back. This duty is mine alone.

Schult: Come at me, Serpent!

Light: He did it... Incredible.

Alk: Thank you, Schult! If you hadn't arrived, who knows what could have happened.

Schult: I'm glad I wasn't too late. I am... relived.

Light: But why did you come here? Were you aware of this other dragon's presence?

Schult: The truth is... I don't know.

Nimbus: How do you not know?

Schult: Had I known it would come to this, I would not have shunned contact with other dragons for so long...

Schult: I am sorry. This all happened because I was such a shut-in...

Alk: It's okay, Schult! You've adjusted so well to the outside world already!

Schult: There is one thing I know for certain: that creature is my enemy. The very blood in my veins proclaims it so.

Schult: A voice rang out inside me, telling me to stop it.

Schult: This is perhaps my fate... The Law of Ancients.

Stella: Was coming to help us also a part of your fate?

Schult: No. That I did entirely of my own will.

Lucia: Lord Schult!

Schult: Lucia... I thought I instructed you to not follow me. Your unshakable determination confounds me.

Alk: She takes after you, Schult!

Schult: Or perhaps I take after her.

Schult: Let us depart. I should wish to taste your cooking once again!

Alk: All right! I hope you're in the mood for something spicy.

Schult: Light. I have chosen... to fight against my fate.

Schult: What of you? No, there is no need to even ask.

Schult: Fight alongside me, Champion.

Light: Can I... Go against my fate?