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"My name... is Schult. I am... a dragon. Allow me... to accompany you."

"Saved by the very humans I meant to save! You are quite fascinating indeed... Do not worry—I have fight left in me yet!"

"Food is quite fascinating. This flavor in particular... What did you call it? "Spicy," was it? I will have more!"

"Being of this stature has many demerits. There are many places on my body that are impossible to scratch. Luckily, I have Lucia to help out in that regard."

"Go just a few hundred years without speaking, and the next thing you know, you've forgotten how to do it. Do not make the same mistake I did."

"There are things we cannot change. And there are things we can. I know for a fact that I have changed... Perhaps for the better."

"A slight acidity amid the sweetness, and...a note of citrus, well-blended with the bitter liqueur... It seems my culinary vocabulary has expanded."

"The women around me pay for my food. I do not work. Is there a term for that in your language? ...Why are you making that face?"