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Episode 1
Why We Fight

During another fight between Nimbus and Ricardo, Alk and Light think back to when the two first met. After exchanging blows in a tournament in the Endless Blue, Nimbus questions Ricardo's motives for fighting before leaving the arena. Ricardo, on orders from his father, leaves in pursuit of Nimbus.

Ricardo: Ready to get your ass handed to you?

Nimbus: Huh. Did I hit your head too hard last time? Maybe you forget how you keep losin' to me over and over?

Light: Those two really do get along swimmingly, don't they? It seems like they're going at it every day.

Alk: Yep... I've lost count how many times they've fought since they first met.

Nimbus: What's this? The crowd's all riled up.

Alk: Some sort of fighting competition, maybe? Let's stick around and see!

Audience: Oh man, Ricardo is such a champ! Really takes after his old man.

Audience: Taking after him isn't enough! I need him to be BETTER than his dad. I've got tons of money riding on this kid!

Brawler: I'm gonna enjoy beating in that smug face of yours, Ricardo.

Ricardo: You again? Give me a break. At least try to last ten seconds this time, all right?

Brawler: Shut your mouth, you stupid brat-

Ricardo: Nope, not even close to ten. That's just embarrassing.

Nimbus: Oy. You a slave too, kid?

Ricardo: What? Who the hell are you?

Nimbus: So you're not, huh? You sure do fight like one.

Ricardo: Beastfolk, eh? Not sure what you think you're doing here, but this isn't a petting zoo.

Seasoned Fighter: Well, isn't this interesting,

Ricardo: Father...

Ricardo's Father: Fight him, Ricardo.

Ricardo: But, Father, he...

Ricardo's Father: All right, everyone, get your money ready. We've got a new match- the mysterious Tiger-Man vs Ricardo! Place your bets now!

Audience: Ooh, I'm betting all I've got on Ricardo!

Audience: Same! Put me down for Ricardo. He's got this in the bag!

Ricardo: Tch... I guess I have no choice but to fight. I won't be going easy on you, pussycat.

Nimbus: Didn't ask you to, daddy's boy.

Ricardo: Huh. You've got good reflexes. Must be all that mouse-catching you do.

Nimbus: You're fast. Must be all that running from your problems you do.

Audience: Damn, that tiger has moves! He's keeping up with Ricardo...

Nimbus: Would you cut that out?

Ricardo: Huh?

Nimbus: That grim-ass look on your face! Your heart's not in this. What the hell are you even fightin' for?

Ricardo: I...

Ricardo: Gah, screw you!

Nimbus: That's enough for me. This ain't a real fight.

Ricardo: What are you talking about?

Nimbus: Keep on fighting for your daddy, kid. I'm out.

Ricardo: ...You damn-

Audience: What's going on?! Do you have any idea how much money I've got ridding on this?!

Audience: Get that stupid tiger! Finish the damn fight!

Ricardo's Father: Ricardo!

Ricardo's Father: Why are you just standing there? You think I'm going to let you lose to that tiger in front of everyone? Go after him!

Ricardo's Father: Have you forgotten everything I taught you?!

Ricardo: ...

Light: Alk, we should follow them.

Alk: Agreed.

Episode 2
Fighting for Fun

Ricardo pursues Nimbus, eager to settle things. Alk and Light recognize Ricardo's feelings and even help him, acting as mock hostages. Nimbus reluctantly agrees to the fight. After their bout, Ricardo notes that he wants to get even stronger, leading to Nimbus inviting him to Starview Village.

Nimbus: Ah crap. I got so pissed off I forgot about Alk and Light.

Ricardo: Hey, Tiger! I've been looking for you!

Nimbus: Oh, look at that. Does Daddy know you're all the way out here on your own?

Ricardo: Shut it! You think I like having someone like him as a father?

Ricardo: Whatever. Fight me again!

Nimbus: Pfft. Why?

Ricardo: Cause we left matters unfinished back there!

Nimbus: Is that you or your old man talking?

Ricardo: Damn it... Fine, how about this.

Ricardo: Fight me! If you don't, these two are as good as dead!

Nimbus: Huh?

Ricardo: What am I even doing...

Light: Oh no, oh dear! Nimbus, please help me, I beg you!

Alk: Y-yeah, help us. Nimbus, you're our only hope. You have to fight him!

Nimbus: You guys are seriously awful actors, you know that?

Ricardo: What was that about?

Alk: I mean, you seemed so serious, so we figured we should play along.

Light: If you truly feel that fighting Nimbus again will help you come to terms with your emotions, you should do so! Don't give up.

Alk: Help me, Nimbus! I'm in so much danger!

Nimbus: All right, enough already. I'll fight him.

Nimbus: Hear that? It's on. But you better not pull your punches- you gotta want this, kid.

Ricardo: I do. Screw my dad- I want to finish this for my own sake!

Ricardo: So let's do this! Come at me, Tiger!

Nimbus: If you're serious, then you're gonna have to prove it to me!

Ricardo: Just watch me.

Ricardo: I believe this is where we left off last time.

Nimbus: Looks like I win. "That'll teach you to mess with my friends." There, are we done playing pretend?

Nimbus: H-hey! The hell.

Ricardo: There's no rule saying the first person to fall down loses! We're not in the ring anymore.

Ricardo: This isn't an arena match- it's an all-out fight. Or have you forgotten what that means?

Nimbus: All right, kid. I hear you loud and clear. If it's a "proper" fight you want, that's what I'll give you!

Nimbus: ...Satisfied yet?

Ricardo: Y-yeah... I guess so. That was... what's the word?

Ricardo: Fun.

Nimbus: I won't argue with you on that.

Alk: I'm pretty sure they completely forgot we were here.

Light: So long as they remember the reason they chose to fight, I think our little farce will have been worth it.

Alk: Yeah. But wait- who actually won?

Ricardo & Nimbus: I did!

Light: Hmm... If my memory serves me, I think the two of you are even in terms of takedowns.

Ricardo: D-damn... I need to do better than that.

Ricardo: You think if I stick around with you guys, I can get even stronger?

Nimbus: Why? What do you wanna accomplish by getting stronger?

Ricardo: ...I want to defeat my dad.

Nimbus: If it helps you get over your daddy issue, you're more than welcome to join us, kid.

Ricardo: Sh-shut the hell up! You're first on my to-pummel list, you overgrown housecat.

Episode 3
The Endless Battle

After training with Nimbus for several days, Ricardo returns to the arena to challenge his father to a match. The young brawler vows to lead a life of his own, finally besting his dad and leaving the arena behind. In Starview village, Ricardo and Nimbus continues sparring- both physically and verybally.

Ricardo: Sorry, but you're really going to have to do better than that.

Audience: Ever since he came back, Ricardo's been on fire! I wonder what happened.

Audience: He's clearing the floor with the competition- just one challenger left!

Ricardo: Let's put an end to this.

Ricardo: Everything has been leading up to this moment... It's time.

Ricardo: Father!

Ricardo: Enter the ring and face me!

Ricardo's Father: Well, well. The little runt finally found some courage in him, I see.

Audience: H-holy crap! This will be the match of the century... I'm betting on the former champion for this!

Audience: Me too! We'll probably never see another battle like this in our lifetimes...

Nimbus: Put me in for Ricardo.

Alk: That's the spirit, Light!

Light: Here's another bet for Ricardo.

Audience: You know what? I'm gonna bet on Ricardo too!

Ricardo's Father: I thought you had run away from the ring, but no. You were just off fooling around, getting cocky. How disappointing.

Ricardo: This is your final warning. I won't hold back.

Nimbus: Kick his ass, Ricardo.

Ricardo: Gah...

Ricardo: Damn, I still can't pull that off the way Nimbus does...

Ricardo's Father: So, you're resorting to little tricks now, are you? You spit in the face of all I taught you.

Ricardo's Father: You were supposed to be the one to defeat Barrek for me-

Ricardo: I know. I haven't forgotten the things you taught me, Father. I've grown stronger because of you.

Ricardo: But that's all in the past now.

Ricardo: From now on, I want to live life on my own terms- fight the battles I want to fight!

Ricardo's Father: Don't make me laugh!

Ricardo: Here I come!

Ricardo: Thank you, Father. For teaching me how to surpass you.

Audience: Ricardo... won?!

Ricardo's Father: W-wait... Ricardo...

Ricardo: There's nothing left for me here. I don't want to inherit the title of champion from you. My heart lies elsewhere...

Ricardo: Sorry, Pops! I've got places to go!

Ricardo's Father: Ricardo...

Ricardo's Father: I've never seen him look that happy before... Not once.

Alk: Right, that's how it went down! How many times have they fought since then?

Ricardo: One hundred. that makes one hundred, Nimbus.

Ricardo: An even fifty-fifty spilt! Damn. I wanted to beat you so bad.

Nimbus: Uh, I'm pretty sure it was 101 fights- with fifty-one wins for me.

Ricardo: Say what? The first one obviously didn't count!

Nimbus: And why the hell not?!

Ricardo: Because! Besides, if we count it, I'd be the winner- YOU left the ring, remember?

Nimbus: Yeah, 'cause I kicked your butt so hard you wet your pants and went crying to Daddy.

Ricardo: Say that to my face one more time!

Nimbus: Oh? You wanna go again, kid?

Light: Those two sure do get along swimmingly.

Alk: Yep. Like two peas in a pod.